the past last three months i’ve been doing body-weight exercises five days a week to prepare myself for BJJ training for the fall. right now im asking if this is even going to pay off for Brazilian Jiu Jutsu. Heres my workout.
[quote]wolf54 wrote:
the past last three months i’ve been doing body-weight exercises five days a week to prepare myself for BJJ training for the fall. right now im asking if this is even going to pay off for Brazilian Jiu Jutsu. Heres my workout.
alternating from regular to wide
regular 5
wide 5
regular 5
wide 5
regular 5
wide 5
regular 5
next legs
squats(going all the way down)
70 on each leg
hard fast
squats 25
lunges 15 each
day 2, 4
squats(going all the way down)
70 on each leg
hard fast
squats 25
lunges 15 each
minute rest between each set
day 5 abs
from looking at my routine will this be succesfull or not?
What you have to remember is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (or any other martial art) is an art form…no amount of training can really prepare you for learning the intricate movements you’ll be doing in your BJJ classes.
With that said, trying to increase muscle endurance is a good thing, as BJJ classes are pretty demanding…you’re also going to want to do a lot of flexibility work.
Are you opposed to working out with weights? If not, then check out Chad Waterbury’s Hammer Down Series…it should give you a good starting point for strength and endurance training as it relates to MMA.
I think you need to be more concerned with your cardio than your muscular endurance. Bear crawls, crab walks, sprints, burpees, etc. Do them hard and fast, back to back, no breaks.
i do work on my flexibility as much as possible. sorry forgot to mention that, also i do use weights by incorporating complexes. its where you grab a barbell and do nine different exercises with six or eight reps then rest for a minute or two and do it three more times.
You’re doing fine. When you get on the matt you’ll get 90% of all the workout you need. When you uncover your weaknesses from your BJJ workouts fix those and you’ll go as far as you want to go. thanks, jamej
What will actually help is if you practice some of the basic movements that are involved in BJJ. Before every practice our instructor runs us through a variety of movement which really help.
If you got about 10-20 ft of mat to work on, start with shrimping out to left and then to right down and back. Then go to break falls and standing up in base down and back with left then right leg. Next scoot slide, this is when you act like your about to stand up in base but instead of bringing the leg up and around your based hand, you just scoot back and switch based hand and knee do this down and back. Next in the same position you are going to scoot back twice and then do a front kick towards what would be someones knee, go down and back with left and right leg.
Last, with your back on the mat bend your legs as if you’re going to do crunches and grab your elbows. Now you need to move down the mat by lifting your shoulders off the mat almost like doing a crunch but instead of coming straight back down, throw your upper torso in the direction you want to go, next lift and move your hips and lower body in the same direction as far as you can.
It should look like you’re wiggling down the mat. Go down and back. Run through this circut 3 times, wait 30 sec. then do leg rolls for 2 min. Wait 30 sec. and start over. Try to do entire routine at least 3 times.