Yo guys, looking for a few answers. Basically over the next 3-4 months money is a serious issue for me. I simply cant afford a gym membership along side my bjj classes.
So im looking for a solid body weight routine that’s going to keep my strength levels up. Am I going to get weaker? Smaller? drop weight?
Maybe picking up a couple of kettle bells is an option price dependent.
Thanks guys im more confident on taking on this task now. I think im going to do before and after shots take weight and bf %'s before and after also. So im actually quite excited to see whats going to happen.
This is the equipment i plan to use some i already have or am borrowing.
Pull up bar.
Weighted Vest 10KG.
Kettle Bells.
Anything else cheap or home made anyone recommends? Still looking for a detailed routine also? One more question any ebook anyone recommends for calisthenics?
[quote]legendaryblaze wrote:
How about instead of having training days, you just have more BJJ days?
Like if you were only doing BJJ 3 times a week, now you can do it 5, etc.[/quote]
Its only a small club and 3 classes a week is all thats available atm.
[quote]legendaryblaze wrote:
How about instead of having training days, you just have more BJJ days?
Like if you were only doing BJJ 3 times a week, now you can do it 5, etc.[/quote]
Its only a small club and 3 classes a week is all thats available atm. [/quote]
Is there anything preventing you and others who train there from meeting and training outside of class?
[quote]legendaryblaze wrote:
How about instead of having training days, you just have more BJJ days?
Like if you were only doing BJJ 3 times a week, now you can do it 5, etc.[/quote]
Its only a small club and 3 classes a week is all thats available atm. [/quote]
Is there anything preventing you and others who train there from meeting and training outside of class? [/quote]
We occasionally get an extra class in, I work shifts and a baby. Every class is at least 2 1/2 hrs
Bjj is for anyone but if you get stronger you’ll get better, thats why there is weight classes, people say strength doesnt matter but put the best 13 year old against a strong white belt and see who wins!
It isn’t that strength doesn’t matter… Of course strength matters, to an extent. Just like flexibility matters, to an extent. But if all you are is flexible, it won’t be any good. That applies to all attributes.
With that said, BJJ is a mind game. The weaker, less flexible, less agile guy could submit someone who has better attributes than he.
Helio Gracie,. BJJ is philosophy. And sparring BJJ is a battle of wits, with your limbs. So when people are asking about a strength program for BJJ thinking it will improve their game… it could, it might… but you’re much better off going in there and rolling with direction.
Marcelo Garcia… never touches weights. He just grabs limbs and tears Gi’s all day.
Ross Enamait Never Gymless would be a good investment. It has DIY pull up and parallel bar projects if you like building things and it has a well structured progression sequence. I know of two people who have had great success with it.
Pete86: try this man, i made it for a friend of mine who was in the same position as you and it worked like a charm.
Do it three days a week on non consecutive days (when you don’t train BJJ)
Day 1
Box Jumps: 3x3 , 2’-3’ rest between sets. Always begin the next set when you feel rested and explosive
Plyo Push ups: 3x3, 2’-3’ rest between sets. Always begin the next set when you feel rested and explosive
3.Clapping Pull Ups: 3x3, 2’-3’ rest between sets. Always begin the next set when you feel rested and explosive
4a.Ab exercise: 2x15-30
4b.Low Back exercise: 2x15-30
4c.Front Wrestlers Bridge: 2x15-30
4d.Back Wrestlers Bridfge: 2x15-30
Day 2
1.Pistol Squats: 50 reps done in as little time as possible*
2.Handstand Push Ups: 50 reps done in as little time as possible*
3.Pull Ups: 50 reps done in as little time as possible*
4a.Ab exercise: 2x15-30
4b.Low Back exercise: 2x15-30
4c.Front Wrestlers Bridge: 2x15-30
4d.Back Wrestlers Bridfge: 2x15-30
*If its possible,add weight when you get 50 in less than 10’
Day 3
1.Lunges: AMRAP in 10’**
2.Push Ups: AMRAP in 10’**
3.Inverted Rows: AMRAP in 10’**
4a.Ab exercise: 2x15-30
4b.Low Back exercise: 2x15-30
4c.Front Wrestlers Bridge: 2x15-30
4d.Back Wrestlers Bridfge: 2x15-30
**If you do over 100 reps add weight.