I have just started weight training a few weeks ago but am unsure on the best structure for my training days. I work a 3 on 3 off rotation at work which is making it difficult for me to work out, I can’t work out the days I am at work as I just don’t have the time and I’m too tired by the time I get home.
Basically this leaves me two options train on my first and last day off or train each of the three days I am off. Both ideas have downsides, training only two days (which I am trying at the moment)
I struggle as it means a long work out and by the time I am approaching the end I am exhausted and I know I am not working as hard as I could, working out 3 days in a row also seems less than ideal as I have read there should be a rest day between strength training days. Does anyone have any suggestions how I could best spread my workout and what areas to focus on each day?