Last year, I decided to sacrifice my definition for my first full-out “bulk”. I am up to 250 from 210. As I use the mirror test, I’m not sure of exact BF percentages, but I’d estimate I started at about 10-12 and am now 15-17.
I’m enjoying the extra size and am proud of getting here. I’ll have to lose some, but I’d like to stay as close to 250 as possible while getting the BF back down where I like it. Who doesn’t like being ripped, right?
So, here’s the plan. Two HIIT sessions (running)/week. Gradually drop cals (I don’t count per se, but its enough that I’m holding steady at 250) each week for a month, then start HRX. This is along with my usual 4 times/week upper/lower split. You guys think this is too much given my goal of maintaining all the mass that I can? Think I could get away with staying where I am calorie-wise and just adding the HIIT and HRX?
Of course I could just experiment and find out, just thought I’d get some opinions and try to get it right from the jump. By the way, I’m 26 and have been lifting since middle school. Diet is maybe 75% clean. I’ll shoot for 95% clean when I start cutting.
Wife note: I wish I could have done the before/after pic thing, but the wife has broken THREE digital cameras in the last 12 months. I’ve since refused to buy her another one.