Coach (and anybody else who wants to contribute),
With all the buzz surrounding Anaconda both before and after its release, I wanted to try it out since I need a good workout supplement without carbs. I’m not an advanced lifter by any stretch of the definition, but even if I was I’m not sure I’d be able to justify $300+ for a month’s worth of supplements (which seems to be a not unpopular idea). I had an idea to try out an experiment with Anaconda/MAG-10 to see if I couldn’t stretch my training dollar while still pushing myself past the limits I had previously been under.
The short version:
For 8 weeks, I will change my workout schedule from 3-per-week to 6-per-week
For each workout, I’ll mix 1 scoop each of Anaconda and MAG-10, drink half before the workout, refill the bottle with water, and then drink throughout/after workout.
I will do one week of workouts without Anaconda/MAG-10, then 8 weeks with, and then one more week without.
For all workouts, I’ll record biofeedback between exercises and throughout the 2-3 hours after, as well as my training “moods” each day.
The details:
I’ve trained martial arts for 16 years, and I’m not going to stop even during this experiment. My week will look something like:
Monday: Workout (morning), Karate (evening)
Tuesday: Workout (morning)
Wednesday: Workout (morning), Karate (evening)
Thursday: Workout (morning)
Friday: Workout (morning)
Saturday: Karate (morning) (workout “rest” day)
Sunday: Workout (morning)
3 workouts each week will be “strength” workouts (currently planned M W F)
3 workouts will be “aerobic”, complexes and HIIT cardio (currently planned T Th Sun)
I’m currently 6’0", 210 lbs, ~20% BF. My goal in this “experiment” is to blitzkrieg my body like a hypertrophy “VDiet” and lean out a little in the process. I’ll have almost exactly enough Anaconda to last 8 weeks worth of workouts from the 2 tubs, and enough MAG-10 for a spare scoop somewhere each week.
In your opinion, does this sound like a good set-up to test out this strategy and really see what a difference Anaconda/MAG-10 can do? Is there anything you want to know more about regarding the plan (maybe something I didn’t think of)?
Thanks in advance for reading through this (anybody) and also thanks in advance for any help you can provide me. Hopefully if this gets off the ground I’ll be able to present a slightly different idea for how Anaconda can be used to affect major change.