Anyone know if drinking a pot of coffee in the morn can screw up T levels and libido?

I don’t think so.

I drink about 6 cups a day and i still get uncontrolable hardons so i’m thinkin no!

I drink half a pot every morning, and have never had problems other than having to take a piss every half hour throughout the morning.

It did lower T in old women (searched t-mag back isssues) .

As far as libido goes, caffeine is dopaminergic eg prosexual so any net effect on your libido is likely to be neglible.

Just from personal experience it is dose
dependent. If I have a little caffeine it
increases my libido, but if I have a lot it
decreases it. Regarding actual T levels, I
do know of one study that shows that caffeine
can interfere with T production, but off the
top of my head I don’t remember the details.
I saved the ref at home, so later today I’ll
go look for it and post it when I find it.

If my memory serves me, doesn’t caffeine cause a rise in cortisol? If so, then it could have a negative effect on T. At least your free T/Cortisol ratio won’t be favourable.

I may be incorrect though so someone put me in my place if I’m wrong. Peace.

It can screw your insuline sensitivity and your brain… not to mention pulsating headache.

OK, here is the ref. Please note that someone
else cited this ref to me as evidence that
adrenergic stimulants might interfere with
T production. I looked up the abstract on
Medline and the abstract doesn’t get into
the topic of T suppression. So this paper may
or may not actually be that relevant. If
someone has access to the whole research paper
they can better check the relevance of this.

Here is the ref: Del Rio, G. "Adrenomedullary function and its regulation in obesity." Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2000 Jun;24 Suppl 2:S89-91

Here is a link to the abstract on Medline:

Thanks to all for the input. Sasa, how much does it mess with insulin sensitivity? I do tend to hold weight, even though I watch my diet and do mostly anaerobic cardio.