Coffee Intake

I was wondering about coffee and its effects on the body . I do a lot of writing and work a 12 hour a day job. I drink anywhere from two to four pots a day. Will this hinder any of my weight training or muscle building ? MY diet is clean , I eat an iso-caloric type diet and recently just started to drink an awful lot of coffee . Just wondering if their might be some negative side effects from this , like not burning calories very well or causing the body to stay in a catabolic state ? I have looked through the archives and not really found much about it. Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated . Thanks

Coffee or the caffeine in it will have a mild diuretic effect. I’d also guess you don’t drink as much water if you’re sipping java all day. Do you put anything in the coffee? Sugar would be bad, of course, at least in that anount. I don’t think artificial sweeteners are that bad, but at dozens of cups a day they might be. All that caffeine would have a mild thermogneic effect too. Probably not ideal if you’re trying to bulk up- no big deal if not. Brock drank coffee all day long on his Fat Fast he wrote.

Dehydrates you, can cause heart arrhythmias in that large amount,is a mild appetite stimulant,vasoconstrictor, addictive, and will give you a mother of a headache when you try to cut back.Also, for me, it seems to drop my blood sugar at times(may be the creamer).On the other hand it doesn’t seem to affect some people at all…that may be you- cause you shouldn’t need so much…have you tried anything else?

Hi Frank. Yes, there can be a downside to too much coffee drinking. Habitual intake of stimulants (any kind) can bring on adrenal exhaustion that can, over the long term, cause b-vitamin deficiencies in the body as well as just general bad feeling, loss of energy, troubled sleep, migraines, skin problems (excema, psoriasis, dandruff, acne rosacea, etc.) Two other things caffeine does are increased vasoconstriction in the extremities and raised resting heart rate, both of which cause higher blood pressure situationally. Although I don’t know this for sure, I would suspect that the increase in adrenal hormones would also translate into elevated cortisol levels as well.

Thanks for your comments. I did not mention how I drink it , BLACK ONLY. Nothing else. Other than that thanks alot.