Yea it is very sad, but I do only squat 80lbs. I have done 100 for 2 reps before but it was with poor form and if there is anything I’ve learnt from you guys is that form is almost always more important than weight. I was told once by a friend of mine, and a fellow T-Man with 3 years of lifting experience that a true squat is done on your heels, with your toes only there for balance, I have a little trouble with this sometimes as I try and rock forward if Im struggling with the weight, so to fix it I used these angled things I found around the power racks that pretty much force me onto my heels, these are however ALOT harder and lowered my weight substantially.
I can see where your comming from with the intensity part. But I do really feel beat after each workout, I always make sure that I have to “squeeze out” the last rep, even on my first exercise (squats). I will definately lower the number of sets, in retrospect it seems rather absurd.
I do deadlift, but I do them when I do my back, maybe that isnt the best day for them?
I’m sorry but I disagree that my height isn’t a valid reason for low weights. The leverage on my knees puts quite a load on my quads. I am not really bothered by this as a large frame is just more room to put muscle.
Im really glad you told me how to do “real” hack squats Patman, I really dont like the hacksquat machine, mostly because the line is always long for it, and because if I want to work in with someone and their doing 1/4 squats with 300lbs and I make them take off all the weight for my set there never impressed.
When I think about it, I have never really thought about the front of the calfs, Ive heard that if you walk around with your toes flexed up as hard as you can it exercises them, true? Perhaps this wont provide growth though and extra weight is needed?
The one thing I have the most problems with is eating, I am currently in school (20 hours a week of class, at least 30 a week of homework), I have a job, 25 hours, and I’m currently joining (you’ll hate me for this) a fraternity, so I am always on the go, finding time to make food is my #1 problem, but I’m working very hard on it, and have increased my calorie intake pretty substantially.
Thanks for the advice, it seems my leg program needs some work, I will read all the articles you guys have suggested and let you know what I come up with.
Thanks again,