Started Lifting in Class Today

Hello fellow T-Nation members, Im new to the forum. Posted before but it was deleted for I guess being off topic.First off I will tell you a little about myself. Im 21 years old 5’10 178. Been lifting for years , also played high school football, and track. Since high school I stepped my fitness knowledge up by visiting this site, and putting alot of time in the gym.

Now I am enrolled in Junior College and am taking a physical fitness and wellness course where we design a program using the weights, and cardio equipment.
I want to really step my legs up during this 16 weeks and will model my workout after the hungarian wrestler by burnout squats with light weight, and then do them for low reps shortly following.

Also I want to mix running in after im done lifting in the morning is this a good idea ? Another thing I want to know is what would be the best thing to follow up directly after squats. Keep in mind we have roughly an hour to lift on mon., wed., and fri. So I gotta do it pretty quick. Im looking for tricks of the bodybuilding trade to get my legs big because right now there sticks.

I would warm up, then build up to your heavy, low rep work, THEN, do the high rep squats until you burn out. You’ll sacrifice your form (and safety) if you try to do heavy work with your legs fatigued by high rep work.

There’s nothing wrong with running a bit after a workout. It promotes blood flow and help you recover and avoid muscle soreness. If you can do more than hobble around after the workout you’re planning then my hat’s off to you. Why don’t you do your running on off (Tue,Thurs) days?

Lunges are a good finishing exercise after squats but if you’re doing the Hungarian thing correctly you shouldn’t be capable of much more work.

Yesterday I did the Hungarian Wrestler Squat thing. Mostly out of boredom, curiosity, and that I had already finished my workout. I managed 135 for the duration of the song “Comfort Eagle” by Cake. It wasn’t super challenging. I can confidently say that Squatting 135 is maybe only harder than a Push-up.

I honestly don’t think that program will work. There must have been something else at work that made that guy have legs the size of people.

The Hungarian used machines after his squats so he wouldn’t have to worry about hurting himself if his form was off.