Soo, did my “heavy” leg day today, and felt like i had a little something in the tank, but i didn’t know where to go, since realistically i should be tired. anyhow, i’ll break it down in hopes you’re able to shed light/info:
Tuesday is a “dynamic” day, as i’ve slightly modified the WSBB4SB. something like; (setsxreps)
Depth jumps/box jumps 6x6
calves 3x24
lunges/step ups/bulg split-squats 3x12/leg
front squat/goblet squat 4x12
leg extensions 12,9,9
swiss ball curls/lying leg curls 12,9,9
Friday,“heavy” day looks like (weightxreps)
squat 135x12, 225x12, 275x10, & 315x6-7 for 3 ‘work sets’
Deadlift 225x12, 275x9, 275x9, 315x6-7, 315x6
Today i did unilateral leg extensions cuz i just wasnt as gassed as i felt like i should be
what can i add to the heavy day in order to BLAST the shit out of my legs? i have 2 rest days to recover from whatever havoc i’ve wreaked upon myself. hack squats? pull throughs? I feel like it’s my quads that are the most energized, but don’t know any good lifts for them
thanks guy