To:Davies and John Berardi

Ok I have been reading this site for a while now. I am just getting back into working out. John I have read your regime would you advise a beginner to start out like that? With the Calorie counting etc from the get go? I am 6 foot 227lbs BF 16%. I do martial arts and tennis and Racquetball. I have a very seditary job in (computers). I tried IAN kings 12 weeks to super strenght but I think that is too technical for me. I would like your advice even if it is harsh please point me in the right direction. I know no program works for everyone etc. But I also really respect everything both of you have had to say so I would really appreaciate your input. I asked basically the same thing in a previous post but neither one of you replied so I am asking again.

You probably just posted this as I was responding. If I am reading through your goals and objective, you wish to improve your physical conditioning, lower you body fat and participate in martial arts and racquet sports. Your intermediate weight goal, I suspect is somewhere in the 210 range. I would not suggest you start in the program that was printed but I hope I can offer some sort of help to you. And in fact, this is an area I would like to explore greater. I understand you are familiar with Pavel kbell program, tell me a few basics, ie how are you doing with basic swings. Have you skipped rope before? I look forward to assisting you.
In faith,
Coach Davies

I skipped a lot in high school wrestling. I still can very well but for short periods of time. Maybe 100 skips before I miss one. Then 200 skips then I miss one etc. I am doing well on the kettlebells I can do the swings very well they are pretty easy. I do have to watch my right shoulder a bit as an injury to that is what took me out of the iron game. I tore the tendon in my right shoulder due to a dislocate in a match. It was the tendon that connects the humerous to the clavical so the tendon is thinner now and longer due to the tear. I can still do full range of motion it just twinges sometimes and gets sore easily as it is mostly my muscle and not my tendons that are supporting it. All the doctors (that wanted to practice medicine on me) have told me that all they can do is shave my clavical bone down to make more room for the joint. I think I will just deal with a bit of discomfort here and ther instead. When I was in great shape it never bothered me if that means anything (other than I need to get there again). Dang I am long winded sorry about that. Right now I am concentrating on getting my wind back as far as aerobically that is. I have been running 2-3 miles a day in repeats of one block. I have been doing the kettlebells like one arm snatches, swings elbow lifts, two arm swings, chinups I can only do 4 of these at a time at my current weight. I know for a fact that my upper back and shoulders are by far the weakest. My chest is well developed and my bis and tris are still thick and strong. I can still bench 200lbs even after taking 8 years off.

I almost forgot my manners. Thank you very much for all your help I realized that from this board alone you are a very busy man. I really appreciate your wisdom and input in this matter.