Hey everyone first I would just like to say thanks a whole lot to everyone whose given me some advise here. I truly appreciate you taking some time out of your life to help me out. I also want to apologize for taking so long to reply. I haven’t gotten on the computer since yesterday and I have to say I really wasn’t expecting so much more great advise!
It definitely appears that my original decision to ditch Phils advise the second I heard some other advise was definitely the wrong decision. I honestly think the reason I went with the “cutting” advise was because it appeared “quicker.”
I now realize that though I may have been somewhat pleased with my appearance sooner if I were to “cut” now, I would really be making it harder for myself in the long run. Though I don’t plan on competing, I would like to look as good as I can in the long run so I definitely would not want to do anything now that could possibly stunt my future progress.
So I will certainly go with the advise that Phill had given me, and as it appears the majority of T-Nation agrees with lol.
Just to sum up what I should do to make sure I’m going about this right.
-Don’t count calories, just eat right!
-Get on a good beginners program, and stick with it!
-Don’t over complicate things!
-It’s that simple.
Am I going about this the right way now?
Just a quick follow up question now, does anyone have a good beginners program they recommend??
Once again I want to thank everyone for their advise, you guys have been awesome. I also want to apologize to Phill for ever questioning his knowledge.
hey I just want everyone to know that I’m going to start another thread in this section to try to find a good beginners workout that I can use with the resources I have so if you have any advise on that, please feel free to jump over there and let me know what you think. Once again thanks for all the help.
[quote]stuward wrote:
itk0i wrote:
Just a quick follow up question now, does anyone have a good beginners program they recommend??
I concur! Excellent beginner program. After establishing a strength base on this you can move onto something more hyprtrophy-specific if you want… like some Waterbury stuff or something.
[quote]itk0i wrote:
hey I just want everyone to know that I’m going to start another thread in this section to try to find a good beginners workout that I can use with the resources I have so if you have any advise on that, please feel free to jump over there and let me know what you think. Once again thanks for all the help.[/quote]
To be perfectly honest, what you do at this point is not nearly as important as that you do whatever it is consistently and with purpose long enough to get a grip on what training at all look and feels like.
No offense but I dont’ understand one thing. Everybdoy acts like being a beginner in the gym means be a beginner on the internet too. I’ve seen at least 20 threads in most discussed with beginners asking whats is a great beginner program. Would the search engine not provide this answer?
How did the OP fall under the impression that, at 20% bodyfat, he shouldn’t be counting calories?
Did it not occur to anybody that he’s not very well versed in nutritional planning?
Why would any of you toss something as important as caloric intake out the window?
Just because you don’t, doesn’t mean you should be telling this guy something as vague as “just cut the junk” or “don’t bother counting.”
The guy is under the impression that 1 year of training is a lot, and should have wielded astounding results by now. For shit’s sake, don’t incorporate your own agenda when giving advice.