I guess it should come to no shock to me that
some people (net khan, et al) have a skewed
view of history as it relates to the middle
east. The idea that Israel is a country
of refugees that kicked out the indigenous
people so European Jews could have the land
is a distorted if not outright false, view.
If it was “just land”, the UN would have
insisted that the Jews settle for some
jungle patch of Africa which now compromises
Uganda. In fact, this was actually proposed:
to give the Jews what is now Uganda and it
almost happened.
But Jews have a definite historical tie to
Israel, the land where it is now.
I am not going to rehash history from when
Moshe Rabbenu first saw eretz Y’israel and
Joshua led the Jews to settle there.
But I will go back to 1948, some 3000+ years
later when Israel was renewed.
The plan was to split the land between the
Arabs (not Palestinians, ARABS!!!) and the
Jews. Already, the British had (if somewhat
arbitrarily) drawn up country lines for other
Arab colonies. The idea was to have a Jewish
state next to an Arab state in what is now
Israel and the “occupied terrorites” (which
God willing, will soon be purged of all things
Arab and incorporated into Israel proper).
This division of the land, and it was
unhabitable land that the Jews were to get,
mostly swamp and desert muck, was fine with
the Jews. It was not, however, fine with
the Arabs.
Most of the Arabs left “Israel” by their own
volition, not as refugees. Because they
thought (incorrectly) that the combined
armies of these other Arab countries would
drive the Jews into the sea and then they could
go back to their houses. They took a
gamble. Guess what? They lost. Time to
move on and find a new patch of sand to
call “home”. When you lose a war, you
don’t get to ask for your shit back that the
other side now possesses.
Even after the initial Arabian assault and
subsequent humiliation of the Arabs by
the fledgling Israelis, the Arabs did not
get the hint.
They attacked again and again, and lost
each and every war (all six of them). Israel
has NOT ONCE declared war on it’s Arab
neighbors without being attacked first.
In 1967, Jordan lost Jerusalem to the Jews
in a war which they (the Jordanians) started.
We recaptured the Temple Mount and for the
1st time in thousands of years, Jews were in
control of the site where our temple once
stood. When the Jordanians controlled
Jerusalem, they did not allow Jews or
Christians up to the mount or anywhere in
much of Jerusalem.
By the way, the Jordanians and NOT the
“Palestinians” controlled Jerusalem, so
this “Palestinian claim” to Jerusalem now
is farcical at best.
The Jews, however, decided to return control
of the Temple Mount to the Wakf (Islam Trust)
to administer and take care of it because
of the mosque that had been build up there.
We did not (and in my opinion, we should not)
have to return the Mount to the Arabs.
But we did. I would have either turned
the Al Aksa Mosque into a library or levelled
it totally had I been PM of Israel but
I digress…we gave back the Mount because
we thought we could compromise with the Arabs.
We did it as a goodwill gesture, as sign
we wanted to try to live with them in peace
and work out our differences.
But the Arabs do not possess Western
sensibilities for the most part and we can
not reason with them in Western ways. They
have a bazaar type mentality. Bully and
bargain your way through life, this is
what Arabs are about.
And they attacked again in 1973, on the
holiest day of the year for Jews. In six
days we crushed them (yet again).
At this time, the president of Egypt,
Anwar Sadat became the first Arab to show
any sense of intelligence when he realized the
Jews and Israel are a permanent fixture in
the middle east and Sadat decided to
try peace (even if it is a cold peace) rather
than war with the Jews. He paid for this
wise choice with his life.
Arafat and his little band of Arabs have
been bantered around all over the middle
east. Nobody wants them, even other Arabs
look at them with disgust and disdain.
Face it, they are the lowest form of Arab
there is. They are untrustworthy and
dumb. When given sanctuary in Jordan,
Arafat tried to overthrow the Jordanian
monarchy and government. This got him and
a good many of his Arab followers expelled
from Jordan. Arafat and the Palestinians
supported Saddam Hussein and Iraq in the
Gulf War. The "Palestinians" seem very
adept, almost "genuis-like", in their ability
to pick the wrong side or do the wrong
thing (case in point - there was growing
US sympathy for the "Pallies" and many here
thought the Israelis were the aggressors or
the perps here...however, the continued
celebrations of the latest "events" in
NYC and Washington by the Pallies have
caused any American with half a brain to
utterly despise the Pallies and their
You can say Israel did not want to give the
Pallies a contiguous tract of land for
a country or that there were too many
“conditions” for them to accept the
generous, albeit insanely stupid offer that
the last PM of Israel made them.
But after spending the better part of 50 years
fighting these people, Israel knows they can’t
be trusted and the only way they can be given
a “state” of their own is if Israel can
be assured they won’t use it to strike at
However, Arafat has been, if anything,
consistent from Day One…he wants all of
Israel for “Palestine” and will not rest
until he gets this. He is only interested
in a “side by side” state with the Jews as
a temporary measure until he can “reconquer”
the rest of ‘Palestine’.
That is the difference (well, one of many)
between the Jews/Israel/Western Thought and
the Islamists/Palestinians/Arab Mindset:
We are willing to live and let live, and to
live beside them, even in a “cold peace”.
They are not, they insist on obliterating
us and wiping us off the map.
We have civility and humaness; they are
nothing but animals.
Now what does this have to do with the WTC and
Pentagon massacres (and make no mistake
about it, these were massacres!)???
Now America has an idea of what every Israeli
has to deal with on a day to day basis and
has had to deal with since Day One of
Israel’s existance: the threat of
My solution to this, it may sound Draconian,
it may sound racist, it may sound
facist, it may sound like a lot of things, is
elegantly simple: It has come down to them
or us.
Time to seperate the men from the boys here.
We need to see which middle east emirates and
sultanates are on our side or are our enemies.
There is no neutral here.
Those that are hostile to us, to our way of
life (Iraq, Afganistan, etc.) are to be
invaded, their peoples and cultures
replaced with that of the West and their
lands be made into ‘America - East’.
Because short of a protracted land
and ground war there, short of WWIII,
we will not remove the root course of this
problem. When a weed grows in the garden,
cutting the stem does not kill the weed. You
have to get to the root.
We would have lived side by side with them,
in peace and preferably in peace and harmony
but a cold peace if need be.
They would not have it, they will not have
it now and they undoubtedly will never
have it.
So we have to destroy them before they
destroy us.
I am not happy over this. I am saddened
by this conclusion. But it really is the
only conclusion of any merit or logic.
And make no mistake about it, we will win.
Because God is most assuredly on our side.
Six times Arab armies attacked Israel and
all six times they were repelled. Surely
God is looking out for the Jews and for
his country, Israel.
And God is on the side of America. Because
without the implicit blessings of God, we
would never have become the super power
we are today, the bastion of all that is
tolerant, good and human in the world.