Tim, TC, Chris, and Brock: A

Just curious (and excited about the possibilities!) Do you guys envision some sort of "Super Anabolic Mass Gain/Fat Loss” cycle that will incorporate T-2 Pro, MD-6, Tribex, Mag-10, Androsol, and Methoxy-7? The thought alone has me pumped!

Well, not at the same time, anyway.

MAG-10 and Androsol need not be used
at the same time since MAG-10 supplies
as much 4-AD to the system as could
possibly be wanted (can supply more than
wanted, actually.)

Tribex and MAG-10, or Androsol, need not
be used at the same time because it’s not
clear that Tribex has benefits while
an androgen is being used.

I would save money and not use Methoxy-7
while using Androsol or MAG-10, but rather
use it when not using either of those.

Other than that, no doubt your basic idea
of combining products at different times
in the cycle can work very well.

Thanks, Bill! That’s the kind of thing that I was thinking; not at the same time, but as a cycle where some supplements are stacked OR used alone. (Much like the stacks that “Biotest” advocates now). Something that may be done over a few weeks using the various supplements could turn out to be interesting!

When is MAG-10 coming out?

I hope this Mag-10 pans out and does so quickly. I plan on doing my last cycle of fina soon so I wouldn’t need any Mag-10 till like March but I can’t wait to try it out!!

MAG-10 really is quite close to production now.
In accord with my personal rule of not giving release date estimates any more (after having “blown it” so grievously so many times before) I don’t want to say when but can say that there are zero manufacturing or technical roadblocks remaining at this time: all are solved, all systems are go.

So it sounds as though you should be ready to take pre-orders almost anytime. Usually if all the glitches are worked out and all systems are go for production, isn’t that when you start taking pre-orders? I don’t suppose you have the pricing ironed out yet do you?