Hi all, a family member of mine who is in their mid-late 40’s Ive noticed has started to develop a mild case of Kyphosis, i was looking for some advice on how to help her fix the problem and prevent it further as it is only starting to notice.
Ive read “heal that hunchback”, however, she isn’t an athlete, but i still would like to help her solve the problem. I have a foam roller which could help, and maybe some stretching exercises, but i don’t think they’d like to use weights for anything, although if need be i can try to convince them.
How would i go about helping the lady improve/correct her mild Thoracic Kyphosis? She’s not someone that’s too physically active, apart from doing a good amount of walking, so please bear that in mind.
On what kind of arguments and or professional level did you asses a more than average thoracic kyphosis? As she is female in het mid to her late 40’s underlying problems could also be found besides postural problems.
If you do not have a professional degree to asses her… then don’t treat her. Let a professional deal with this.
She doesn’t sit down that much really, it’s only mildly noticeable, a few people have said to her about it, and i have noticed it myself, so i was hoping some simple stretches/strengthening exercises would resolve the problem, before/incase it gets worse.
she doesn’t need to be an athlete to benefit from those rehabby exercises.
one thing that could help is getting some resistence bands. it would be possible to loop them around objects and use them in place of weights. that way she wouldn’t need to get to a gym or lift weights or anything like that.
I have thoracic kyphosis and after advice from my Physical Therapist, it am managing it just fine. I would suggest heading to an MD to get a proper diagnosis and then onto a Physical Therapist who can evaluate the situation and design a program to deal with it. Once I did that, my neck and shoulder finally stopped bothering me. Without treatment, my neck and shoulder always bothered me, but not now. I am making good progress in the gym. I have to have my kyphosis monitored every year to check to see if the kyphotic angle is the same or worse.