[quote]Bodyguard wrote:
GribGrob wrote:
Bodyguard wrote:
Viking69 wrote:
Mark henry I think was the first to clean and press it with one hand
Obviously you didn’t see the second post.
Obviously you didn’t realise Kaz could press it but not clean and press it.
Wrong but nice try, there are plenty of refferances to this feat.[/quote]
Do some research. Your an idiot. Google is a great tool.
here’s what MILO has to say about it (sept 2002, volume10, number 2, page 75): “. . . Mark Henry, a hugely powerful man, wowed everyone by cleaning a replica of the Inch Dumbell with one hand and then push pressing it overhead, becoming the first person known to have accomplished this. Richard Sorin was sitting right behind me as we watched Mark just rip this dumbell up to his shoulder, stagger back a little as he caught it, and then just punch it overhead, and that was certainly very impressive, bit it was what he did next that really made us gasp: Mark reached down and picked up the dumbbell with his left hand this time, casually walked over to the head table, and gently deposited the thoroughly-vanquished dumbell on it.”
From what I’ve heard and imagine, isnt it possible that Kaz cleaned and pressed it, but when he cleaned it, he used both hands, making Mark Henry the first to clean and press it entirely with one hand?
I just tried it out to get the feel of it. Anyway, the guy that invented it could only deadlift it, so that’s what I tried. With my right arm I did 130 and with the left one 100.
I am planning on doing two sessions with it a week; one clean and press with a lighter weight and one for deadlifting it.
I used one of these replica handles in a strongman competition. I think I did something between 130-140 lbs with my nondominant hand (my wrist was hurt on my dominant hand). Keep in mine that this handle has knurling which makes it much easier to lift with. The realistic Thomas Inch replicas will have nothing but slick black paint on the handle. Keep this in mind if you are going to use it to prep for the actual Inch.
190 lbs with a 2 inch grip, not press yet, it have almost my weight, drug free so i don’t think it’s for this summer but maybe next year…i hope so[/quote]
Finally! The French I learned in school finally has a use!
[quote]Julius_Caesar wrote:
I just tried it out to get the feel of it. Anyway, the guy that invented it could only deadlift it, so that’s what I tried. With my right arm I did 130 and with the left one 100.
I am planning on doing two sessions with it a week; one clean and press with a lighter weight and one for deadlifting it. [/quote]
Author Brooks Kubik says Thomas Inch could lift and press his dumbbell overhead well into his 60’s. Not me, mind you, it was Brooks in his book Dinosaur Training.
[quote]hareboll wrote:
From what I’ve heard and imagine, isnt it possible that Kaz cleaned and pressed it, but when he cleaned it, he used both hands, making Mark Henry the first to clean and press it entirely with one hand?[/quote]
This is correct. He used both hands to get it up to his shoulders then pressed it with one hand in the recorded feat people are trying to reference. Anyone who says otherwise is directly contradicting what Kaz has said and did himself.
Could he have done it one handed? Maybe, but no one was really pushing him to at the time. If there had been a bunch of guys who are able to 2-hand clean then 1-hand press it like there are these days, he probably would have gone for the Mark Henry style lift.
I’ll admit I’m a bit naive here. I watched the videos and have read the posts. But I’m not sure I understand why lifting and pressing an inch db is so difficult. And no, I’ve never tried it myself to know.
Is the difficulty in the gripping strength needed for this db?
To me it looks like the snatch with 100 db would be similar to a 200 lb snatch with a bb. And that in itself is nothing to brag about. While I understand they are similar but different exercises, I don’t see them as worlds apart.
[quote]Tank53 wrote:
I’ll admit I’m a bit naive here. I watched the videos and have read the posts. But I’m not sure I understand why lifting and pressing an inch db is so difficult. And no, I’ve never tried it myself to know.
Is the difficulty in the gripping strength needed for this db?
To me it looks like the snatch with 100 db would be similar to a 200 lb snatch with a bb. And that in itself is nothing to brag about. While I understand they are similar but different exercises, I don’t see them as worlds apart.
Enlighten me?[/quote]
Yes, it is the grip aspect. You cannot get your hand all the way around the handle, unless you are Cleve Dean. Plus, as was mentioned, the real Inch DB and replicas are cast iron with black paint and no knurling whatsoever, making them very slick.
To whoever mentioned this earlier, I don’t think there has been any woman that has lifted it. Remember, it is a world-class feat of strength for a man to even deadlift it with one hand. The DBs at your gym aren’t Inch DBs unless they are 173 lbs with a handle 2.5" in diameter and 4" wide, made of cast iron. They are probably just old-style globe DBs.
[quote]Adamsson wrote:
How big is an appollons axel in comparison?[/quote]
i believe it has a 2" diameter instead of the 2.5" - but its also longer, a barbell, not a dumbbell. It’s also non-revolving, further differentiating it from a standard barbell.
After a few weeks of working with this, I have noticed a few things about working with this:
It works my grip in a way that I have never before experienced. You feel these muscles being worked that you never knew that you had.
Everything that you do with it is more difficult as opposed to regular dumbells, even overhead pressing movements. When you go back to the same weight on a regular dumbbell it seems easier.
Your forearm muscles take a good amount of time to recuperate from working with it, much longer than anything you would do with a regular or chin up bar or grippers.
The weights on the bar will seem easy as you move up in 5 or 10 pound increments and then you will hit one that is hard for you to deadlift. After this, adding a 10 or even 5 pound weight will make the thing unmovable.
When you mess around with it, you realize how mind boggling it is for someone to deadlift 172 pounds on it, let alone clean and press the thing.
[quote]Tank53 wrote:
I’ll admit I’m a bit naive here. I watched the videos and have read the posts. But I’m not sure I understand why lifting and pressing an inch db is so difficult. And no, I’ve never tried it myself to know.[/quote]
I was the one that shot that footage that night when Mark Henry cleaned and pressed the Inch replica. It happened in June @ the 2002 AOBS.
And YES!.. it’s the thickness of the grip and the fact that it’s completely solid and nothing moves.
BTW, who was the one who took it off the table when he placed it there with his left hand? Me, of course!
Here’s an update:
I was very excited the other night when lifting it off the ground overhead…
I hadn’t tried it in awhile and lo and behold, I put 87 pounds over my head with my left hand! I also found a new technique that helps me put it overhead easier. The last time that I tried this I couldn’t even get 80 pounds to my shoulder with my right hand, let alone get it over my head.
I work out with it in my back yard and just let it grop on the grass.
I also can deadlift 140 with my right hand. Hopefully, I will get that extra 32 pounds by next summer.
Kaz has cleaned and pressed the inch
Mark Henry as also.
But here in Canada Hugo Girard has also one hand cleaned and strict pressed the inch.
Ryan Green at 24 years old did it for 4 reps all strict from the floor overhead and this was after Canada’s Strongest Man 2004 which was a 3 day contest with plenty of very heavy gripping events. A video of one of those 4 reps can be seen at www.irongame.com in the “Other” section
Louie-Philippe Jean who is 21 year old strongman in Canada Quebec can clean and strict press the inch very easily after an 8 event strongman contest, He is the youngest man on the planet to have done this feat.
I myself at 22 have high pulled it to my chest and I can strict press it if I 2 hand clean it.
We have very good grips in Canada, espacially in Quebec where wheelbarrow contests are popular.