There's Something Wrong with My Shoulder/Arm

I apologize for joining only to ask this question, but I feel this is my last resort. I hope I am posting this in an okay area.

My name is Christine, and there is a problem with my shoulder. I have a feeling I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder. Or some other kind of impingement. Actually, I have no idea what I am saying, and am basically talking out of my ass. But there’s definately something wrong.

I’m 19 and have been training for almost 4 years now. I began reading T-Nation compulsively more than a year ago. I plan to complete a dietetics major and physiology minor in the next couple of years. I don’t play any sport, nor am I a figure competitor.

I train because I love the way it makes me feel. I don’t normally like to participate in forums because of the flaming and trolls and whatever the fuck else out there. I also take my training very, borderline ridiculously, seriously, and don’t like it when people fuck with me.

Anyway. About 6 weeks ago I was doing 1 armed dumbbell snatches. By the end of my third, and final, set, I felt a dull pain in my right shoulder and had a harder time gripping bars with my matching hand. I remember feeling an even duller pain a training session or two previous to that one, I didn’t think twice about it.

Since then I continued lifting weights, first taking out snatches, then not increasing load on shoulder exercises, taking out the very few isolation exercises for the shoulders, dropping my sessions to twice weekly, limiting sprints, avoiding cleans, and since last Thursday, I have not lifted at all. Yesterday I have had the worst pain from the last 6 weeks.

In the beginning only my shoulder bothered me, and my right trap was super tight. A week or two into it, I realized my right elbow hurt occasionally. A couple days ago, I have begun to feel a tingling in my right hand. And now, I begin to really worry.

I have a very high pain tolerance, and in the past it has been difficult for me to gauge whether or not something may be problematic. So this “pain” in my shoulder is more bothersome than painful. it is most bothersome in the finishing position of a clean, or when I grip the bar while performing back squats.

I also really feel it when I wipe down treadmill screens. (as in wax on, wax off) More recently, it has been hurting while I’m not training. Right elbow flexion is more difficult to perform than left. And I just occasionally feel something in my right hand.

A few things I have been thinking about: my left leg seems to be shorter than my right. No one else realizes this but me. I believe the shortage is in the femur. This leaves my left hip slightly lower than my right.

I have read how imbalances transfer from one side of the body to the other, and made a connection. I also used to have a dull pain on my lower back on the right side a couple months ago. I wasn’t training at the type due to some sort of mental slump I was experiencing. When I got back in the game, it went away. Just another thought.

The pain has been getting worse and worse, and for the first time, I am scared. My life revolves around training, and I can’t even imagine what it’d do to me if I had to give it up, or even become impaired.

I really need help. I’d just like to have some thoughts. I’m open to seeing a doctor, I just don’t know what kind or which one. Any suggestions, experiences, thoughts, comments, I don’t know, anything, would be appreciated.

Shoulders are complex areas, so I wouldn’t like to speculate on what it might be.

First, yeah stop training anything that iritates it. It sucks yeah, but you def don’t want to make things worse.

Secondly, I’m hoping you’ve been icing it? Ice should always be the number one home help after an injury.

Third, I’d maybe post this question on one of Eric Cresseys threads over in the Authors Locker room or check out his website and blog.

Ideally you really need to get it looked at, but he might be able to point you in the right direction.

Oh yeah and welcome to the boards :slight_smile:

[quote]LetMeFly wrote:
I apologize for joining only to ask this question, but I feel this is my last resort. I hope I am posting this in an okay area.

My name is Christine, and there is a problem with my shoulder. I have a feeling I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder. Or some other kind of impingement. Actually, I have no idea what I am saying, and am basically talking out of my ass. But there’s definately something wrong.

I’m 19 and have been training for almost 4 years now. I began reading T-Nation compulsively more than a year ago. I plan to complete a dietetics major and physiology minor in the next couple of years. I don’t play any sport, nor am I a figure competitor.

I train because I love the way it makes me feel. I don’t normally like to participate in forums because of the flaming and trolls and whatever the fuck else out there. I also take my training very, borderline ridiculously, seriously, and don’t like it when people fuck with me.

Anyway. About 6 weeks ago I was doing 1 armed dumbbell snatches. By the end of my third, and final, set, I felt a dull pain in my right shoulder and had a harder time gripping bars with my matching hand. I remember feeling an even duller pain a training session or two previous to that one, I didn’t think twice about it.

Since then I continued lifting weights, first taking out snatches, then not increasing load on shoulder exercises, taking out the very few isolation exercises for the shoulders, dropping my sessions to twice weekly, limiting sprints, avoiding cleans, and since last Thursday, I have not lifted at all. Yesterday I have had the worst pain from the last 6 weeks.

In the beginning only my shoulder bothered me, and my right trap was super tight. A week or two into it, I realized my right elbow hurt occasionally. A couple days ago, I have begun to feel a tingling in my right hand. And now, I begin to really worry.

I have a very high pain tolerance, and in the past it has been difficult for me to gauge whether or not something may be problematic. So this “pain” in my shoulder is more bothersome than painful. it is most bothersome in the finishing position of a clean, or when I grip the bar while performing back squats.

I also really feel it when I wipe down treadmill screens. (as in wax on, wax off) More recently, it has been hurting while I’m not training. Right elbow flexion is more difficult to perform than left. And I just occasionally feel something in my right hand.

A few things I have been thinking about: my left leg seems to be shorter than my right. No one else realizes this but me. I believe the shortage is in the femur. This leaves my left hip slightly lower than my right.

I have read how imbalances transfer from one side of the body to the other, and made a connection. I also used to have a dull pain on my lower back on the right side a couple months ago. I wasn’t training at the type due to some sort of mental slump I was experiencing. When I got back in the game, it went away. Just another thought.

The pain has been getting worse and worse, and for the first time, I am scared. My life revolves around training, and I can’t even imagine what it’d do to me if I had to give it up, or even become impaired.

I really need help. I’d just like to have some thoughts. I’m open to seeing a doctor, I just don’t know what kind or which one. Any suggestions, experiences, thoughts, comments, I don’t know, anything, would be appreciated.

I feel your pain…literally, I had the same issues sorta. I put off going to the doctor because I knew she would tell me to stop training. She made me go to PT. The PT informed me that shoulders were weak under the shoulder blade. I informed her that the pain was in the front of the shoulder not the back. She just smiled…(I guess having a masters means you know something…lol) So long story short, they did not want me to quit, in fact they added more to my routine. Shoulder is fine now. So see a doctor and be animate about not medicating!!

I’ve had shoulder injuries to both shoulders and I strongly advise you to see a competent Sports Medicine specialist. The shoulder is extremely complicated and should not be dealt with lightly.

If you happen to be near Houston I can point you to a couple excellent doctors who will not tell you to stop lifting altogether (depending on the problem of course), as well as to the best rehab facility on earth.

Otherwise you best bet is to find a team physician for a baseball team, preferably major league. Trust me, they know shoulders.

Thanks for the replies, guys.

Eat and Lift, I have been thinking about tracking down Eric Cressey, I think I’ll get around to that. And no, I have not been icing it. Mostly because my entire arm hurts now, and I have no idea what to do.

cobbsdad, I was scared too that he would want me to stop training. And yes, I do not want to be medicated, I want to rest and recover and fix whatever caused this in the first place.

birdman31, unfortunately, I live in Miami. If this guy I am going to doesn’t know what he is doing, I am going to find a sports medicine specialist, as you advised.

This Dr was recommended to me by my general Dr., which how my father recommended I go about this situation. He pays all my bills, and even though I could overthrow his advise as necessary, I’ll still get shit for it. But this is really important to me and I’ll do whatever it takes.

I meant to post this yesterday morning, but didn’t. Anyways, so I saw an orthopedic surgeon. According to him, I have excessive joint laxity and if I strengthen my rotator cuff through external/internal rotation, my pain will go away.

He said I’m anteriorly dominated and my painful shoulder is more so than the other. What do you guys think?

I’m not a doctor, but it sounds like a better option then going under the knife. Good luck and don’t get discouraged… it nearly took a month before I felt fully healed.

I don’t know what your injury is. But do not stop moving your shoulder. They can freeze up and it is very hard to get it back to normal.
I recommend shoulder dislocations and light exercises if the doctor says it’s ok.

Thanks again guys.

I started training again this Monday after a week hiatus. I have been doing my internal and external rotations. My entire arm feels much better. However, it was at its worst when I stopped lifting completely, even the total days off wasn’t over a dozen. We’ll see what happens.

I’m almost happy this happened, because I realized I have been doing rows incorrectly. I was contracting almost upwards, and I think putting my upper arms too far back.

It also seems my right (bad) anterior delt sticks out quite a bit further than my left. I just really saw this for the first time today, and can’t stare at myself anymore to even gauge where the damage is.

My doctor also told me he could see an imbalance in my back muscles. He didn’t mention names, he just kept pointing and touching. I wish I had asked more questioned at the time.

Anyways, thanks again. One day I am going to get around to put up pictures, so I can take care of this imbalance shit. I also really wonder WHY I have it? Why my right arm, and not my left?