Here are a few for my upcoming sequel to my Book of Bad Ideas
EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute), do Kettle Bell clusters (a clean into a thruster). In between clusters, do burpee chins (a burpee where you jump to the chinning bar, do a chin up, then land back into a burpee).
Either go for a predetermined amount of rounds and see how many burpee chins you can do OR set a set amount of burpee chins and try to beat time.
3 movements
Front squat for triple
Log Viper Press for 4
Burpee chin for 5
Get as many rounds as possible in 50 minutes
60 minute workout. EMOM, for the first 20 minutes, do 5 chins and 3 Devil Presses (DBs or KBs). Next 20 minutes, 5 chins and 4 Devil Presses. Next 20, 5 chins and 5 Devil presses.
40 minute workout. Do 4 box jumps, then 1 log viper. Next round, 4 jumps and 2 log vipers. Keep adding reps to the log viper press.
Using the tabata protocol (20 seconds on/10 seconds off), do Bear Complexes with a barbell loaded to 95lbs. I did this as a 40 minute workout where I got 2 complexes per round for the first 20 minutes, then 1 per round for 5, 2 per round for 5, 1 per round for 2, and 2 per round for 8.
3 movements, tabata intervals
KB swing
KB cluster
Burpee chins
Go cluster-chin-swing-chin-cluster-chin, repeat. Again, you can set a set amount of chins or go for a et amount of rounds.
20 rep squat straight to 20 rep deadlift to KB Fran to keg grace to stone to shoulder
Basically, start with the 20 rep squat/deadlift superset and just keep adding stuff to it. It’s name comes from Final Fantasy 6, and it’s a riff on a SUPER long boss fight where there are just more and more stages to fight.
I’ve done this a million different ways, but this was the final evolution of my prowler workouts for 50 minutes
KB front squat triples-carry the bells 60 paces–run back to start-low handle push the prowler to the KBs-front squat triple-carry 60 paces-run back to start-low handle push prowler to KBs-front squat KBs triples-front rack carry KBs 60 paces back to start-run back to prowler-high handle push it to KBs-front squat triples-front rack carry 60 paces-run back to prowler-backwards drag prowler to start
That’s ONE round.