[quote]sawadeekrob wrote:
My triceps really took on a life of their own after I started pre-exhausting them.
I sometimes vary the 1st exercise, but often is something like this
Lying cable extensions (staggered reps)
Smith machine floor presses
The presses are to be done until failure.[/quote]
Interesting. Is this like doing close grip after skull crushers?
I don’t feel pressing like movement in my tris much anymore. More so it gets the lower portion by the elbow. Too much of this stuff and I can get some flare ups in my tendons, but I can see how pre-exhaustion would work. Knock on wood, so far this year my tendons have felt fine but I used to have some problems so I have to remain cautious.
Here’s a typical week of training tris for me.
Mon Chest tris, and Bis (hammer curls and reverse curls)
Skull crushers 3 sets. Reverse grip cable press downs or some unilateral work with dumbbells (no kickbacks) High intensity.
Fri Back, bis, shoulders (lateral and rear one week, front and cable lateral the next) and tris
(lower weighs) just the ropes superseted with the cable curls. I go easy and just try and get a good pump going. The extra blood brings nutrients into the muscle to help it grow. I got this from a Craig Tutus’ video.
I vary it of coarse.