The Triceps Thread

My favorite triceps exercises are rack presses and close grip presses, weighted dips, barbell French presses and cable push downs.

[quote]USNS physique wrote:
Only problem I see with the 1/2 reps for overhead barbell press for triceps is that unless you have a power rack or BNP equipment you are going to either have to settle for sub-par weight you can lift TO the starting position, or hurt yourself doing a clean with something heavy.

Any other alternatives to doing this movement? I dont want another movement, just any suggestions on how to best do this movement.[/quote]

I do them on the smith machine.

We need more pics.

Impressive bicep, but look at that tricep thickness!

If we are talking triceps we need some Bill Pearl pics too.

Sergio is the F’in man. Someone inserted a football into his upper arm and tried to pass it off as his triceps.

Mike Mentzer at the top of his game…

Look at the meat hooks on segio!!! Crazy.

try doing dips holding a 90lb dumbell with your legs. ill keep the belt, thanks!

just discovered supinated close grip presses … love them

Dumbbell extensions here

[quote]Scott M wrote:
Hagar I urge you to check out that second exercise I mentioned.[/quote]

Ok I said I’d try it Friday but some things came up and I just tried these today. Wow it really felt like it was working parts I never hit before plus I got a good pump. I think I’ll make these part of my routine for a while.

It’s that stretch of the long head without compromising the elbows that is the key in my opinion. Really force that deep stretch and work on bringing that lift up in weight and you’ll be very satisfied with it. Glad you like it.

[quote]Scott M wrote:
It’s that stretch of the long head without compromising the elbows that is the key in my opinion. Really force that deep stretch and work on bringing that lift up in weight and you’ll be very satisfied with it. Glad you like it.[/quote]

Hopefully it gets my tris bigger. Thats two Larry Scott exercises that are a staple in my training (preacher or Scott curls).

Just for clarification, that(and really the preacher curl) are Vince Gironda movements that Larry liked and started talking about a lot.

my triceps are hairy.

[quote]mussellhead wrote:
I love pushdowns and skullcrushers but always start with dips. My problem with pushdowns is that the machine only does to 140 lbs and I am at 120 now so any suggestions on what to do next? I always do seated machine dips as my final exercise.[/quote]

Use one arm!

[quote]Scott M wrote:
What’s going on? This thread should be at least twice the size of the biceps thread haha. [/quote]

anatomy humor haaaaaaaa lmao

Ah at least someone got it haha.

[quote]Boffin wrote:
mussellhead wrote:
I love pushdowns and skullcrushers but always start with dips. My problem with pushdowns is that the machine only does to 140 lbs and I am at 120 now so any suggestions on what to do next? I always do seated machine dips as my final exercise.

Use one arm![/quote]

If you really feel like pushdowns are a great exercise for you then you’ll either need to move to the pulldown station which hopefully has a bigger stack or learn to pin/chain dumbbells and plates onto the pulley stack.