[quote]Mick28 wrote:
This appearance is brought to you by the mindless little knit wit known as meangenes, who refuses to allow me to leave the thread. And has tried to squash my right to comment on an open thread in a public forum. Which as he can see by now…just doesn’t work.
(Shaking head) kids…
meangenes wrote:
Wow, maturity level check.
Mick as stated before. You don’t have an opinion of Hip Hop music or culture.
Now that is a foolish statement. If you said that in your opinion I didn’t have an informed opinion, that makes sense, even though you’d be wrong.
But, stating that I don’t have an opinion is just like…well like many of your posts, immature and stupid.
You don’t listen to Hip Hop and you are ignorant to the culture.
But I have listened to hip hop and I’m not ignorant to the culture.
Your opinion is not even creditable.
My opinion is different than your opinion. And that bothers you. Like I said before, in the real world (you know when you grow up) you’ll have to put up with conflicting opinions all the time.
So…why not start now junior?
Do you understand? You are not intelligent.
I’m not intelligent because I don’t agree with your take on rap music? Hey, I can’t argue with that logic.
You think you can come here and let your balls hang out.
Yea, I pretty much have already done that. It’s a message board moron not your house. If you want a private conversation start PMing, otherwise, grow some thicker skin and tough it out.
As I said before stop bickering about something that doesn’t concern you, and get a life.
But it does concern me. I’ve already explained how these threads work. If you don’t like it, you can leave, or grow the fuck up. I don’t care which.
I never thought I would be telling a grown man member of T-Nation how to act like more like a man.
I think you’d first have to be a man before you could tell anyone to act like one.
That means moving out of your parents basement and actually supporting yourself. You might be surprised that it’s a lot harder than posting on a rap thread. Now run along junior before you further embarrass yourself.
You are acting petty. Like a child, while grown people are trying to hold a real conversation about SOMETHING YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT, something we find to be of significant cultural value. Non-cultured people such as yourself need not apply.
Yea, I see grown, mature people listening to rap everyday. Men on Wall Street. grown men with children. Men who hold important powerful positions…No wait…I guess I don’t. But I do see a lot of immature little knit wits like yourself listening to that shit. And you are so dense you can’t even stay on topic. You’ve let my one criticism from an early post throw you off.
And thanks for giving me yet another shot at you. Hopefully others who care more about me than rap music will also bring me back in.
Having fun yet?

I’ll say it again. If it doesn’t concern you don’t bother attempting to express your “uniformed” opinion, which I might add is you ridiculing yourself once again.
You don’t contribute to Hip Hop sales. You don’t know the first thing about Hip Hop. I see some of the biggest money making people in the entire music industry listening to Hip Hop and promoting it ha, basically living it. So shut your uninformed/ignorant (same thing when the knowledge is actually available to you) mouth. Haha.
I don’t give a shit whether ‘important’ white people on Wall Street listen to Hip Hop. Don’t sugar coat it, say what you mean. Hip Hop is a BLACK youth culture that started from nothing and gained steam from fighting the oppression of big time Wall Street execs.
(wow you’re stupid, can’t believe I had to explain that to you) It then turned corporate and became HUUUGE ($1.8 billion in 2006 in the U.S. alone). If that’s not power then you had better be making a percentage of that, in whatever you do, but you don’t.
Do you even fall into the category of a ‘man on Wall Street–a grown man with children–in a powerful position’? Or are you just aspiring?
I’m glad that I have my youth. I’m glad that I can actually ridicule you for being so ‘mature’ by allowing a ‘junior’ such as myself win an argument against an ignoramus such as yourself.
Mick. Black people OWN a percentage of the music industry. How does that make you feel?