The Official Rap Music Thread

Damn. The truth.

He got straight blackballed.

“They opened with Justin last year, right. Then this year they opened with Britney and they ended with Justin. Now, I got the number one song in the world, not the country; MTV is played around the world. It opened with Britney and ended with Justin. Ima just say it to you like that. Ya know what I’m saying, Ima let people think about–I’m not wording it no way, I’m not giving no opinions, I’m just saying what happened.”

UK hiphop often gets neglected.

lol I can actually understand(not agree with) britany and Justin, shht they’re still talking about britney. But some of the other in between acts they could have used Kanye instead.

He did make a good point about MTV acting like a tabloid though.

What, Justin Timberlake was NOT the #1 artist the past year? But Kanye who has one single out was? Word?

Fuck Britney though…

Kanye’s a child. Sure, if they did indeed lie to him and tell him he’d win it, that’s some two-faced industry shit, but seeing as how he’s always whining and bawling his eyes out everytime he’s not hailed as god of music, I find it hard to even believe him, nevermind sympathising.

Oh and his album is redundant. Guess it’s hard to have one hand on the mic and one on the keyboard when you need them both to carry your ego.

Wow, maturity level check.

Mick as stated before. You don’t have an opinion of Hip Hop music or culture. You don’t listen to Hip Hop and you are ignorant to the culture. Your opinion is not even creditable. Do you understand? You are not intelligent. You lack any traits of an intelligent person. Your persistence is only surpassed by your insufferable denseness.

You think you can come here and let your balls hang out like no-one will sack-tap you. Check yourself. And then check your maturity level. As I said before stop bickering about something that doesn’t concern you, and get a life. I never thought I would be telling a grown man member of T-Nation how to act like more like a man.

You are acting petty. Like a child, while grown people are trying to hold a real conversation about SOMETHING YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT, something we find to be of significant cultural value. Non-cultured people such as yourself need not apply.

Peace the fuck out. Loser.

Why is dude getting attention?

[quote]Airtruth wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
You just don’t have that anymore in artists. I like Kanye…he’s inspired,but his passion is slowly developing into some narcissism…evident when he doesn’t win awards or gets the “respect” he feels he should win.

But we all know that the most inspired or passionate music artists throughout history were also some of the craziest,self-absorbed people. Its all about the music…which is fine. I just wish we had more artists with substance.

Did you hear Kanye speak on why he was mad?

As to Meangenes, I’d take Kanye and Andre 3000’s lyrics over commons any day.

Personally I think the only thing wrong with hip-hop is that everybody forgets that its entertainment even the rappers themselves. We hate the guys bragging about chains but most of them are either fake, or come off when the video is over(Minus a few). [/quote]

That’s the whole thing wrong about the scene…it’s not just shallow entertainment for the masses. Hiphop is about a feeling, a mode of expression, a lifestyle, a street culture, and even an art form - poetry in motion. All that entertaiment bullshit is just smoke and mirrors and bragging about chains and cash is far removed from the essence of hiphop in my opinion.

Okay, okay, get over it y’all…put your testicles back in your pants, hahaha. We’re talking about rap music here, it’s not a flame war and everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Honestly I used to be annoyed to end up in a thread where some mindless numbnut would type 50 paragraph responses in between every line of another persons post. But after finally reading a line of what the guy says(half the first line and half the last) I have to admit its entertaining to see that someone thinks other people are actually reading all of it. So asswhipe let me see your 10 page response to this. Just so you know I am calling you Mick28 an asswhipe. Welcome back bitch.

I can’t wait to play with my scroll wheel.

[quote]Mick28 wrote:
This appearance is brought to you by the mindless little knit wit known as meangenes, who refuses to allow me to leave the thread. And has tried to squash my right to comment on an open thread in a public forum. Which as he can see by now…just doesn’t work.

(Shaking head) kids…

meangenes wrote:
Wow, maturity level check.

Mick as stated before. You don’t have an opinion of Hip Hop music or culture.

Now that is a foolish statement. If you said that in your opinion I didn’t have an informed opinion, that makes sense, even though you’d be wrong.

But, stating that I don’t have an opinion is just like…well like many of your posts, immature and stupid.

You don’t listen to Hip Hop and you are ignorant to the culture.

But I have listened to hip hop and I’m not ignorant to the culture.

Your opinion is not even creditable.

My opinion is different than your opinion. And that bothers you. Like I said before, in the real world (you know when you grow up) you’ll have to put up with conflicting opinions all the time.

So…why not start now junior?

Do you understand? You are not intelligent.

I’m not intelligent because I don’t agree with your take on rap music? Hey, I can’t argue with that logic.

You think you can come here and let your balls hang out.

Yea, I pretty much have already done that. It’s a message board moron not your house. If you want a private conversation start PMing, otherwise, grow some thicker skin and tough it out.

As I said before stop bickering about something that doesn’t concern you, and get a life.

But it does concern me. I’ve already explained how these threads work. If you don’t like it, you can leave, or grow the fuck up. I don’t care which.

I never thought I would be telling a grown man member of T-Nation how to act like more like a man.

I think you’d first have to be a man before you could tell anyone to act like one.

That means moving out of your parents basement and actually supporting yourself. You might be surprised that it’s a lot harder than posting on a rap thread. Now run along junior before you further embarrass yourself.

You are acting petty. Like a child, while grown people are trying to hold a real conversation about SOMETHING YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT, something we find to be of significant cultural value. Non-cultured people such as yourself need not apply.

Yea, I see grown, mature people listening to rap everyday. Men on Wall Street. grown men with children. Men who hold important powerful positions…No wait…I guess I don’t. But I do see a lot of immature little knit wits like yourself listening to that shit. And you are so dense you can’t even stay on topic. You’ve let my one criticism from an early post throw you off.


And thanks for giving me yet another shot at you. Hopefully others who care more about me than rap music will also bring me back in.

Having fun yet?



I’ll say it again. If it doesn’t concern you don’t bother attempting to express your “uniformed” opinion, which I might add is you ridiculing yourself once again.

You don’t contribute to Hip Hop sales. You don’t know the first thing about Hip Hop. I see some of the biggest money making people in the entire music industry listening to Hip Hop and promoting it ha, basically living it. So shut your uninformed/ignorant (same thing when the knowledge is actually available to you) mouth. Haha.

I don’t give a shit whether ‘important’ white people on Wall Street listen to Hip Hop. Don’t sugar coat it, say what you mean. Hip Hop is a BLACK youth culture that started from nothing and gained steam from fighting the oppression of big time Wall Street execs.

(wow you’re stupid, can’t believe I had to explain that to you) It then turned corporate and became HUUUGE ($1.8 billion in 2006 in the U.S. alone). If that’s not power then you had better be making a percentage of that, in whatever you do, but you don’t.

Do you even fall into the category of a ‘man on Wall Street–a grown man with children–in a powerful position’? Or are you just aspiring?

I’m glad that I have my youth. I’m glad that I can actually ridicule you for being so ‘mature’ by allowing a ‘junior’ such as myself win an argument against an ignoramus such as yourself.

Mick. Black people OWN a percentage of the music industry. How does that make you feel?

[quote]JohnnyBlaze wrote:
Airtruth wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
You just don’t have that anymore in artists. I like Kanye…he’s inspired,but his passion is slowly developing into some narcissism…evident when he doesn’t win awards or gets the “respect” he feels he should win.

But we all know that the most inspired or passionate music artists throughout history were also some of the craziest,self-absorbed people. Its all about the music…which is fine. I just wish we had more artists with substance.

Did you hear Kanye speak on why he was mad?

As to Meangenes, I’d take Kanye and Andre 3000’s lyrics over commons any day.

Personally I think the only thing wrong with hip-hop is that everybody forgets that its entertainment even the rappers themselves. We hate the guys bragging about chains but most of them are either fake, or come off when the video is over(Minus a few).

That’s the whole thing wrong about the scene…it’s not just shallow entertainment for the masses. Hiphop is about a feeling, a mode of expression, a lifestyle, a street culture, and even an art form - poetry in motion. All that entertaiment bullshit is just smoke and mirrors and bragging about chains and cash is far removed from the essence of hiphop in my opinion.[/quote]

See I guess thats where we disagree. I don’t think its a culture, in fact I’ll go as far as to say half the people claiming its a street culture never been in the streets.

Hip Hop is a style of music and yes a mode of expression all built around entertaining you. Whether making you dance, making you dream, inspiring you(negative or positive) its all music. Kids get lossed thinking its an actual culture and they are supposed to replicate the gang violence, hustling and other mindless endeavors these rappers rap about.

[quote]Airtruth wrote:
See I guess thats where we disagree. I don’t think its a culture, in fact I’ll go as far as to say half the people claiming its a street culture never been in the streets.

Hip Hop is a style of music and yes a mode of expression all built around entertaining you. Whether making you dance, making you dream, inspiring you(negative or positive) its all music. Kids get lossed thinking its an actual culture and they are supposed to replicate the gang violence, hustling and other mindless endeavors these rappers rap about.[/quote]

I know it’s stupid how the wannabee kids try to mindlessly replicate the gang violence, misogyny and other negative aspects of rap music.

I was talking about the positive aspects of hiphop, which are a cultural movement - there are socially and politically conscious elements, which some would say are the original elements of hiphop - unity, verbal skill, activism. This has been lost and mixed up with the bullshit.

See, even you right now can’t distinguish the positive, deeper aspects of it and all you see is the entertainment side. Hiphop as entertainment is equally as valid, but the true substance often unfortunately gets glossed over in the process.

I suppose it would be more accurate to call it a subculture.

I listen to and appreciate all kinds of music - hiphop and R&B, techno/electronica/house, and even rock & heavy metal. Anything that moves me. They’re all just different forms and languages of human expression.

I’ve followed hip hop from its inception, before sugar hill gang when it was done in the park over a break beat. They did it to make their listeners dance, and they bragged about what they didn’t have to make it seem like they were better than their competitors. It was ALWAYS a form of entertainment.

Listen to Sugar Hill Gang.
“Now that is over I’m ready to jam
Want all you people, to clap your hands
Tonight we’re gon-na, scream and shout
We’re gonna turn this motha – sucka out
To all of you people that are ready to jam
Scream it out and say, I am! (I AM!)”

They were trying to make people dance. Slick Rick rapped about positive stuff, and had other songs where he bragged about his dookie rope chain, or kickin it to Mona Lisa.

The same time KRS was out, Vanilla ICE created a hit that everyone hated to like. The ideas of KRS and Vanilla ICe do not represent one culture, they are both rap and you can’t deny one is rap just because you think he is corny. Even now you have styles like soldier boy, conflicting with styles of Common, Immortal Technique never fit into any structured hip hop paradigm.

Music crosses cultures and influences which is what hip hop has done. The culture in japan that listens to hip hop, is almost totally different than the culture that listens to hip hop in america. The same can be said with other countries.

If absolutely necessary for definition purposes you want to claim subculture I’ll compromise, but even then considering a culture is defined by its music, actions, clothing, artwork, and influences. How would you define the Hip-hop subculture?