[quote]Mick28 wrote:
meangenes wrote:
Who says the use of the N-word amongst blacks is denigrating? As with everything it would depend on context.
Yes, I agree context is important. But, when you float the N word out to the general public, as rappers do when they sell their music in the market place, the N word then becomes played into tens of thousands of white homes. Are whites then supposed to forget what they’ve heard? I’m guessing it’s not quite that easy.
Once a word has been repeated enough times it becomes part of the general language used by those hearing it. Then when a white person uses the N word…well you know the end result.
I’m proud that certain rappers would use it. Some of these rappers are people to look up to and the common bond the N-word signifies denotes our obvious likeness.
Are there many black rappers that are worthy of emulation? I can’t think of any, but if you say that they’re there I’ll take your word for it. Tell me what is it about them that makes you want to “look up to them”. I’m just curious if you don’t mind.
Implying that the N-word sells records?
Personally, I don’t think that there is anything that the rap industry executives wouldn’t say, or do, in order to sell their products. I’m not thinking that they have what I’d call really high standards.
Do a historical comparative music study some time you might be surprised.
Your points would have for standing if it wasn’t for your ignorance. You’re still implying that the N-word sells records. You obviously don’t listen to rap,so why would any of us honor your blind opinions? Why did you post here? You did read the title of the thread,correct?
Anyways,what exactly is a “historical” comparitve music study going to prove? How can you generalize Rap over all as a bad influence when Rock n Roll had/has its share of “bad influences” and I think its safe to say that Rock n Roll lyrics and lifestyles influenced a big part of Rap artist anyways.
Rock n Roll is all holy? Come on. Your argument only apply’s to a small part of Rap/Hip-Hop. Do some research of your own.