The Off-Season

Guys i feel really confused and theres different thoughts in my heads on what to do in my offseason. i have until september to get stronger and become a better athlete. im an early Grad and i start college in september and i will be playing college ball. i have Eric’s offseason training manual and kellys speed development manual and they both have all thse programs to choose from.

im so confused on what to do. i need to work on my strength. i cant squat 1.5 x my body weight nor deadlift 2x my body weight. here is what i came up with, what do u guys think?

Early Off-season

-Rehabilitation work

-Static Stretching

-Light scrimmaging

General off-season

-Kelly baggetts strength deficient program

1 week off

then do

-Ultimate off-season spring-proficient program

Late offseason

Conditioning work
get ready for bball season

Although you didn’t specify your sport I’m guessing basketball because of your posting name. I recently bought a book titled, “Explosive Lifting for Sports” written by Harvey Newton (a former US Olympic Weightlifting coach among other things).

At the end of the book there is an in season and off season program tailored for all sports, if you’d be interested in me posting the basketball one just let me know and i’ll do it. If not my lazy ass won’t type it.

[quote]kobe4life08 wrote:
Guys i feel really confused and theres different thoughts in my heads on what to do in my offseason. i have until september to get stronger and become a better athlete. im an early Grad and i start college in september and i will be playing college ball. i have Eric’s offseason training manual and kellys speed development manual and they both have all thse programs to choose from.

im so confused on what to do. i need to work on my strength. i cant squat 1.5 x my body weight nor deadlift 2x my body weight. here is what i came up with, what do u guys think?

Early Off-season

-Rehabilitation work

-Static Stretching

-Light scrimmaging

General off-season

-Kelly baggetts strength deficient program

1 week off

then do

-Ultimate off-season spring-proficient program

Late offseason

Conditioning work
get ready for bball season


Both manuals are exellent and will give you gains. But right now you are thinking too much.
Just go to the weight room 3 times a week, focus on a lift a day (bench, squat, dead), and make sure you set a PR every workout on those lifts, either a rep PR (squeeze out an extra rep or two every workout), or go for a 5 - 10 pounds increase every workout.

You are not that strong yet so those gains should be there for you if you eat enough calories and cut down your basketball playing time.
On off days play some 3 on 3 light ball for GPP.
Very simple.

Heres a sample template for you.

Monday (Squat)

Full Squat - workup to 3-5 rep max
Balgarian split squat - 4x8
stiff leg DL- 3x10

Tuesday (light basketball)

Wed (Bench)

Bench Press - take it easy and just maintain since ur bench is pretty strong already from ur previous posts
pull ups - 3 x as many as u can

Thursday (light basketball)

Friday (Deadlift)

Deadlift 4 x 6
Lunges 3x 8
leg curls - 4 x 10

Saturday (light basketball)

Sunday - off

and do mobility work everyday and eat 2x urbodyweight protein

do this for 4-8 weeks and get that squat and DL up to 1.5 times ur bodyweight

For years i’ve been overcomplicating my training, and now looking back, I made my best gains when I kept it easy and weighttrained 2 times a week. I played football for agility and speed training. I made huge gains on my squat and power clean, only to start overcomplicating everything again. I haven’t been stronger since that period, mostly due to this.

My advice, quit overcomplicating everything, choose one simple approach and STICK WITH IT FOR AT LEAST 2 MONTHS. After that period, I’ll almost guarantee you’ve gained tons of strength, but if you didn’t, you’ll at least know that particular approach didn’t work. I’m 99 % sure this won’t happen with you though. My advice:

-squat or deadlift twice a week
-hamstring work
-single leg work

A simple rep scheme, between 3-5 reps and 3-5 sets. Switch exercises every month, with SIMILAR exercises.

Kobe, I’m a bit of a dilemma here. I’m pissed, because me and some others gave you the exact same advice half a year ago, and it seems you still haven’t made use of it (if you did, i apologise). On the other hand, I know thousands of good programs, and it can be very confusing, because they all sound good, and you want to try them all. I understand where you’re coming from, I’ve had the same problem.

-keep it simple
-add weight each workout or week
-practice dunking

You are thinking too much and making it too big an issue.

I read Valantino Rossi’s book a while back and he was talking about how when he first went to Yamaha the bike was the end result of 10+ engineers and mechanics ideas where Honda was 1 or 2 max. The Honda was a well designed/ simple machine where the Yamaha was all over the place. His quote was “Too many cooks spill the broth.”

I think that is very applicable to strength and conditioning. Both Cressey and Baggett are excellent Coaches. Work out which of the 2 programs suits you best and stick to that.

Just follow the program and don’t doubt it. People get into trouble when they follow one for a few weeks and then swap to another.

[quote]digitalairair wrote:
kobe4life08 wrote:
Guys i feel really confused and theres different thoughts in my heads on what to do in my offseason. i have until september to get stronger and become a better athlete. im an early Grad and i start college in september and i will be playing college ball. i have Eric’s offseason training manual and kellys speed development manual and they both have all thse programs to choose from.

im so confused on what to do. i need to work on my strength. i cant squat 1.5 x my body weight nor deadlift 2x my body weight. here is what i came up with, what do u guys think?

Early Off-season

-Rehabilitation work

-Static Stretching

-Light scrimmaging

General off-season

-Kelly baggetts strength deficient program

1 week off

then do

-Ultimate off-season spring-proficient program

Late offseason

Conditioning work
get ready for bball season

Both manuals are exellent and will give you gains. But right now you are thinking too much.
Just go to the weight room 3 times a week, focus on a lift a day (bench, squat, dead), and make sure you set a PR every workout on those lifts, either a rep PR (squeeze out an extra rep or two every workout), or go for a 5 - 10 pounds increase every workout.

You are not that strong yet so those gains should be there for you if you eat enough calories and cut down your basketball playing time.
On off days play some 3 on 3 light ball for GPP.
Very simple.

Heres a sample template for you.

Monday (Squat)

Full Squat - workup to 3-5 rep max
Balgarian split squat - 4x8
stiff leg DL- 3x10

Tuesday (light basketball)

Wed (Bench)

Bench Press - take it easy and just maintain since ur bench is pretty strong already from ur previous posts
pull ups - 3 x as many as u can

Thursday (light basketball)

Friday (Deadlift)

Deadlift 4 x 6
Lunges 3x 8
leg curls - 4 x 10

Saturday (light basketball)

Sunday - off

and do mobility work everyday and eat 2x urbodyweight protein

do this for 4-8 weeks and get that squat and DL up to 1.5 times ur bodyweight


thank you very much. all of you. do u think if i do a program from either books would be bettr than the program u gave me? or do u suggest doing the program u just gave me and then afterwards do one of the book programs?

[quote]MisterAmazing wrote:
Although you didn’t specify your sport I’m guessing basketball because of your posting name. I recently bought a book titled, “Explosive Lifting for Sports” written by Harvey Newton (a former US Olympic Weightlifting coach among other things).

At the end of the book there is an in season and off season program tailored for all sports, if you’d be interested in me posting the basketball one just let me know and i’ll do it. If not my lazy ass won’t type it.[/quote]

If you could post the program it would be great.

Basketball (offseason)
Note: First number is the intensity percentage, followed by reps/sets
If there’s multiple movements such as power clean and front squats, the reps arew resepctive to the order the exercises are listed while still meeting the other criteria

Powersnatch/OHS 60/3
Snatch from blocks 60/4, 70/2, 80+/2/5
Squat 35/5, 45/4, 55/2, 65/2, 75/2, 90/2
Wave squat 30/20/2
Squat jump bar/4, 25/4, bw/4/2
Leg Curl light weights/8/3
Bench Press 55/2, 65/2, 75/2, 85/2, 90+/2
Pull ups bodyweight - 3/max

Power clean/front squat 50/3/4/2
Box jump 4 jumps
Clean pulls/clean/front squat from blocks 65/2/2/2, 75/2/2/2, 80+2/2/2
Push press behind neck 60/2, 70/2, 80/2/2, 85/2/2, 90/2, 95/2
One-arm cable row 3x8
Back extension 2x10

Bike/dynamic warmup
Stretching/agility moves

Snatch (same as Monday)
Speed squat 35/3, 45/2, 50/1/4
Wave squat /35/20/2
Squat jump bodyweight/4/4
Box jump (12") 3x10
Pause bench press 75/2/6
DB row 45/8/3
Reverse back extension 25/10/2

Power clean/front squat 45/3/4
Clean pull/clean from blocks 50/2/1, 60/2/1, 70/2/2, 80/2/2, 90/1/1/2
SLDL 60/3, 80/3, 90/3/3, 100/3/3
Split squat 40/5, 55/3, 70/3, 80/2, 90/1/2
DB press (split)55/5, 65/4, 75/3/3
Pull-downs 8-12x4
MB 400/DB back extension

Sorry if there’s typos, I had a bit to drink before this but I tried to be very careful. This was a pain in the ass to type, so enjoy :slight_smile:

I’m gonna be doing some circuit training and static stretching along with some yoga maybe until monday just as a bit of a break. then im going to start kelly baggetts strength deficient program so i can get my strength up.

after im done with that program im still gonna have another 3-4 months where i can still train but i dont know what i will be doing. should i still be trying to get my strength up or should i try something else after?

[quote]MisterAmazing wrote:
Basketball (offseason)
Note: First number is the intensity percentage, followed by reps/sets
If there’s multiple movements such as power clean and front squats, the reps arew resepctive to the order the exercises are listed while still meeting the other criteria

Powersnatch/OHS 60/3
Snatch from blocks 60/4, 70/2, 80+/2/5
Squat 35/5, 45/4, 55/2, 65/2, 75/2, 90/2
Wave squat 30/20/2
Squat jump bar/4, 25/4, bw/4/2
Leg Curl light weights/8/3
Bench Press 55/2, 65/2, 75/2, 85/2, 90+/2
Pull ups bodyweight - 3/max

Power clean/front squat 50/3/4/2
Box jump 4 jumps
Clean pulls/clean/front squat from blocks 65/2/2/2, 75/2/2/2, 80+2/2/2
Push press behind neck 60/2, 70/2, 80/2/2, 85/2/2, 90/2, 95/2
One-arm cable row 3x8
Back extension 2x10

Bike/dynamic warmup
Stretching/agility moves

Snatch (same as Monday)
Speed squat 35/3, 45/2, 50/1/4
Wave squat /35/20/2
Squat jump bodyweight/4/4
Box jump (12") 3x10
Pause bench press 75/2/6
DB row 45/8/3
Reverse back extension 25/10/2

Power clean/front squat 45/3/4
Clean pull/clean from blocks 50/2/1, 60/2/1, 70/2/2, 80/2/2, 90/1/1/2
SLDL 60/3, 80/3, 90/3/3, 100/3/3
Split squat 40/5, 55/3, 70/3, 80/2, 90/1/2
DB press (split)55/5, 65/4, 75/3/3
Pull-downs 8-12x4
MB 400/DB back extension

Sorry if there’s typos, I had a bit to drink before this but I tried to be very careful. This was a pain in the ass to type, so enjoy :)[/quote]

thanks for sharing but this programs only gonna overcomplicated him… again. Especially now hes gonna try to do olympic lifts and think they are the only ways to get more explosive.

[quote]kobe4life08 wrote:
I’m gonna be doing some circuit training and static stretching along with some yoga maybe until monday just as a bit of a break. then im going to start kelly baggetts strength deficient program so i can get my strength up.

after im done with that program im still gonna have another 3-4 months where i can still train but i dont know what i will be doing. should i still be trying to get my strength up or should i try something else after?[/quote]

If you stop spending time thinking about workouts months ahead of time before even starting the current training cycle and ask 5 questions on here every other post then maybe you will get some gains in the weight room. Seriously, just get under the bar and start lifting some heavy stuff.

[quote]digitalairair wrote:
Seriously, just get under the bar and start lifting some heavy stuff.[/quote]

Great advice.

People are always looking for that perfect program, that perfect way to get bigger, and etc. You’re far better off just getting under the iron and lifting something because a sporting career (and life) is too short to waste training days.

the template that digitalairair gave you is going to be better for you than what you read in the book. its simple not to much volume and hits the right muscles. its almost spot on to what i do now and i went from a 225 squat and deadlift to a 415 squat and 430 deadlift, improved my vertical 4" and lowered my 40yd dash by .2 in 1 year.

its the best advice youll get

How does this look guys? please if u can take a good look at it and let me know because i dont want to be wasting my time. im willing to work real hard and eat right to get stronger. how does this look based on me and my stats?


Squat 5x5 (add weight every week)
DB split squat 3x6-8
Leg Curl, Romanian deadlift, or glute ham 4x6-8


Bench press 5x5
Bent Over Row 4x5
Military Press 3x8
Beach Work??


rest, stretch, light bball


Deadlift 4x3 (add weight every week)
Lunges 3x8
Leg Curls 4x10


DB Bench 3x10
Pull ups 3xfailure
Rope Pulls to neck 3x10
Poor Mans shoulder horn 4x15


light bball


off, stretch

I don’t get it, why all the different rep schemes?

that looks really good
now next time you come on this board ask questions about your PROCESS not what you are planning on doing

[quote]kobe4life08 wrote:
How does this look guys? please if u can take a good look at it and let me know because i dont want to be wasting my time. im willing to work real hard and eat right to get stronger. how does this look based on me and my stats?


Squat 5x5 (add weight every week)
DB split squat 3x6-8
Leg Curl, Romanian deadlift, or glute ham 4x6-8


Bench press 5x5
Bent Over Row 4x5
Military Press 3x8
Beach Work??


rest, stretch, light bball


Deadlift 4x3 (add weight every week)
Lunges 3x8
Leg Curls 4x10


DB Bench 3x10
Pull ups 3xfailure
Rope Pulls to neck 3x10
Poor Mans shoulder horn 4x15


light bball


off, stretch

[quote]arnoud verschoor wrote:
I don’t get it, why all the different rep schemes?[/quote]

whats wrong with that?

Why not buy the ultimate offseason manual?
If you just make 10% beter gains or avoid ONE minor injury, won’t it be worth the full price many times over?

In my mind Eric Cressey is one of the best at combining inhjury prevention/rehab and performance enhancement. He has experience in working with athletes and is very accesible if you have any questions on the material.
Just go for it and take the guesswork out of it :slight_smile:

I have the manual bro but i open it up and read it but cant really seem to figure it out. I’m in my Early offseason stages right now and starting monday ill be in my general offseason stage.

im gonna have to atleast play ball once a week is that ok? it wont hamper my gains right? do u guys suggest i strength train for like 2-3 months and then add in some sprint work and plyometric? cuz ive heard for u to use the strength u gain u gotta do plyos and stuff afterwards, is that true?

can someone inform me on this please? i kno i ask a lot of questions i just love learning and trying to do the best i can