dude you have 6 months correct?
this needs to be broken up to mesocycles/ stages of trianing working from where you want to be at to where you currently are
i.e. preseason training where do you want to be-
here is what mine is-
1 x ME upper body
1 x ME lower body
1 x power endurance will explain later
1 x sprint endurance will explain later
add in yoga/ agility as needed
start this about 6 weeks before season starts
max effort workouts- follow defranco’s they are fine for rugby players.
power endurance k you need to come up with your own stuff weekly to keep it interesting clearly depends on your equipment.
as an example
2 x 90% squats, no break into 30sec of farmers
2 x 90% good mornings, no break into 30sec of farmers
2 x box jumps, no break into 30sec of farmers
break for 1min
2 x 90% cleans, no break into 30sec of dumbell lunges
2 x 90% front squats, no break into 30sec of dumbell lunges
2 x 90% push press, no break into 30sec of dumbell lunges
break for 1 min
3 x 90% bench press, no break 30sec of weighted sled pulls
2 x 90% snatches, no break 30sec of wieghted sled pulls
2 x high pulls, bo break 30 sec of weighted sled pulls
rest 1 minutes
repeat the whole lot 2 or 3 times depending on you. incorporate yoke, frarmers, keg tosses, med ball throw, sand bag walks/ drags, pylos. anything you can thing of with the idea being you are simulating rugby so you ahve 5sec or so really high intensity with 30seconds of lower intensity. and break periodically.
speed endurance is basically where you will start of doing some hurdles, pylos etc to warm up on to resited sprints, then short free sprints with long breaks. once speed goes onto longer sprints with shorter breaks to be more endurance based. dont train for longer than 1hr IMO.
then all triaing works up to this.
from 7-14weeks before start of season
- you will have a MEUB, MELB, a day where you will do full body suppersets may i.e. squat ss press ups or sprint etc to key in to the PE session. you will also do a a full interval session. some accelaration and speed drill either in the moring or prior to MELB depends of you
m= am= speed work pm= meub
t= melb
w= off
th= full body supersets
friday= intervals
from 3 1/2 to 5 months you will be doing max effort upper and lower a repetetion full body. 2 interval session. a steady state run with some speed work prior to it so a couple of drill 1 march and b march or a couple of overspeed drill prior to the seady state.
m= am= interval pm= meub
t= am = steady state pm=melb
w= off
th= full body rpetition work out
friday= intervals with speed work prior or after depend on you
from 5months out until present
pull/ push/ legs, 2 steady state and an interval workout. or do the old US football thing of squat, clena bench heavy on mon, light wed and medium on fri with the cv stated.
m= 5x5 dead, 5x5 rack pull, 5x5 chins
t= 40mins steady state
w= 5x5 bench, 5x5 board bench, 5x5 push press
th= 40mins steady state
friday= 5 x 5 squat, 5x5 lunges, 5x5 reverse hypers
saturday = interval
you can double up workout i.e. 1 in am and 1 in pm for extra days off. change exercises to suit. clealy working on compound.
should see you good in season
2 weights sessions a week 1 max effort upper so up to 5’s or 3’s depending on how you feel and then 1 max effort lower body upto 5’s or 3’s. chaging the bench/ squat to dynamic speed of bench if you are especially banged up is cool.
hope this helps