The NOT Low Test Thread

On the whole I really like this forum, there are some great guys here who’s training logs have both entertained me and made my own lifting better. That said a lot of the time I log on here I’m amazed by the steady numbers of guys posting about low test and how its causing them to be depressed, ruining their lives, causing global warming etc.

I can’t help but think as I see this day after day “Is tomorrow the day my test falls off a cliff and my life goes to crap?”

So I thought I’d post this and see how many of the over 35+ crowd don’t have any issues at all with their test levels or their quality of life as they get older.

I can’t be the only guy who feels good at 42.

So far so good here, though I have yet to bother getting levels tested. If anything I feel more agressive now than I did in my 20s. For crying out loud, with what I have put my body through, both training wise, and partying wise, some days I can’t believe how damn good I feel…

I can still get it up and lift heavy(not at the same time). Close enough for me.

Joe- All systems go here! No T level issues. things that bring me down work, (my)teenage kids, an aging dog that cant make it through the night ( does he have any idea how he is killing my deads?), not enough cash on hand, a huge dent in the back of my wife’s suburban from my son who is figuring out that giant rocks are indeed tougher than sheetmetal, my pitiful squats, and the thought of funding college in a couple years…other than that…

At 49.333 just chugging along,


No problems here.

I do notice variance in morning wood that correlates with my diet. When I start packing on the carbs I get a decrease in morning tumescence. Go back to eating primarily protein and fats and it springs back to normal (pardon the pun).

47 and still getting stronger. Never been really aggressive, but I’m more so than I’ve been at a younger age. Still pretty passive-aggressive, according to my wife.

Never been tested for test levels. I get sore and can’t lift what I use to but for having been put back together several times I feel great. I very rarely get depressed and that doesn’t last long. I’m enjoying the hell out of life. Somehow managed to make it to the good times. Based on how oftened I’m horny, willing, and able I sometimes worry I’ve got too much test. I feel like I’m still 18 most of the time.

Harry, you are like the poster boy for the over 35 lifter. Competing in a kilt even. And really, there is no such this as too much test…

No problems here that I’m aware of. Haven’t been tested, but I’m only 36… Still eyeing the girls in tight jeans and low cut tops…

I’d like to testify on this thread. I haven’t been tested for test. At 55, I don’t think I have any problems that are attributable to low testosterone.

[quote]DaCharmingAlbino wrote:
No problems here.

I do notice variance in morning wood that correlates with my diet. When I start packing on the carbs I get a decrease in morning tumescence. Go back to eating primarily protein and fats and it springs back to normal (pardon the pun).

47 and still getting stronger. Never been really aggressive, but I’m more so than I’ve been at a younger age. Still pretty passive-aggressive, according to my wife.[/quote]

Nothing wrong with a good pun.

Especially when it makes you re-think “Hope springs eternal.”.

[quote]punnyguy wrote:
DaCharmingAlbino wrote:
No problems here.

I do notice variance in morning wood that correlates with my diet. When I start packing on the carbs I get a decrease in morning tumescence. Go back to eating primarily protein and fats and it springs back to normal (pardon the pun).

47 and still getting stronger. Never been really aggressive, but I’m more so than I’ve been at a younger age. Still pretty passive-aggressive, according to my wife.

Nothing wrong with a good pun.

Especially when it makes you re-think “Hope springs eternal.”.

Well…I never named it, but if I did I think a male name would be more apropos - something like Thor, Ares, or Ted.

[quote]DaCharmingAlbino wrote:
Well…I never named it, but if I did I think a male name would be more apropos - something like Thor, Ares, or Ted.[/quote]

Not Bilbo, Frodo, or maybe Gollum? Of course there is also Special Purpose. :slight_smile:

I have low tests, oh we’re not talking about school. Still horny as hell at 45.

Interesting thread. I must have missed it.

Still think T-Nation should put up a new category for guy’s seeking help and support. I’ve always thought this was the area for over-35 training and low test could be discussed somewhere else. HRT for men is getting more popular, and this area is the landing spot on T-Nation. Even teenagers show up now and then. I’m afraid the Admins think the limp dick discussions should be in the over-35 lifter category.

I’ve never been tested but I’m sure my levels are down from 25 years ago but there are a lot days/weeks when I feel in my early 20’s. The stats prove that T decreases with age but to hell with it, that’s one reason I lift heavy and try to live right. Overall, I feel as good as as I did in my 30’s. I’m still hitting lifetime PR’s and having a lot of joy on the side. Not that the two are mutually exclusive either.

Sadly, I was tested and my test is normal. i was hoping for low so I could juice up.

I know the moring wood and lack thereof has been tied to low test on this site. I dont know if I believe that. It seems to me that Viagra doesn’t increase your Test, but your bloodflow. I have my days where I feel good and bad. I’ dont know if I’ve been depressed, but have a few weeks from time to time of not wanting to do much of anything. My BP has always been borderline high and last time I went to the doctor it was real high. So when I go again I will have that and my Test checked. I am wondering if all these symptoms are actually low Test, or high blood pressure. Right now I am thinking of high BP. At least for the morning wood stuff.

I think it would be a good idea to have an over 35s medical/hrt/limp dick forum, so the training forum can be a training forum, so then when i have been cured by the limp dick forum, i can then start posting on the training forum, lol. Seriously i think it would be a good idea.


Get ready to search deep for training logs.
As I was typing up my latest training effort, I overhear a commercial on Fox. is now advertising on prime time.
This section of Tnation is going to get hammered with HRT questions in the coming months.
Not that it isn’t already.