Hi Coach
I’m having a think over what tests i should used for certain clients. Just wondering if you would know/could explain the Klatt test used in Charles Poliquin’s lower body structural balance?
I’m aware that it is a lower body test and that certain information can be gained from what happens to the leg on landing. Just would like to know what to look for and what levels to start the drop from/progress to etc…
(I have been searching online, but not much info - as far as i can see)
-Also, out of interest, what sort of procedure do you go through with a new client?
Thanks in advance!
Anyone with an opinion is welcome to add something…
Surely someone is familiar?!
This is an area I’d like to improve in as well. Where I got my licence testing of mobility was done by simply flexing, abducting and extending joints to check ROM. Today this strikes me as inadequate. Assessing mobility in actual movements is clearly much more useful. I would like to learn Gray Cook testing or something similar, but I haven’t found anyone in my town who knows how to do it. Some info here, or even a future a article on mobility testing would be much appreaciated.
There some simplified Gray Cook stuff in the book ‘Athletic Body in Balance’. Also has a DVD with it. May be useful.
Kelvin Giles has a similar battery of test also. I think his company is called Movement Dynamics if i remember rightly…
Thanks! I’m also considering buying Eric Cressey’s “Assess and Correct”. It’s just so damn expensive when you have to ship it across the Atlantic and pay all sorts of toll fees on top.
Yeah tell me about it!
But as Charles says “Learn more to earn more” lol
[quote]thenewmaradona wrote:
Anyone with an opinion is welcome to add something…
Surely someone is familiar?![/quote]
I have used the Klatt test for a long time. BUT I’m not comfortable describing it online as it is a test based on observation and small details play a large importance. Trying to apply it from a written source would invariably lead to misdiagnostics.
Arr yeah i understand!
Other than the PICP’s which i plan to do next year, do you know of any other sources where i could be taught it?
Maybe i should talk to an experienced PICP coach in London…
[quote]thenewmaradona wrote:
Arr yeah i understand!
Other than the PICP’s which i plan to do next year, do you know of any other sources where i could be taught it?
Maybe i should talk to an experienced PICP coach in London…[/quote]
That would be your best bet