The Best Damn... Training to Failure

Hi Guys,

I´m new in the forum and I´ve been reading about the “The Best Damn Workout Plan For Natural Lifters”.
I already did some searching before posting this question. But can someone explain me the "Training To Failure/Special Technique Sets?

"Pick a weight you can do around 4-6 reps with.
Do your 4-6 hard reps, rest 10-15 seconds, do another 2-3 reps, rest 10-15 seconds, and then try to get an additional 1-2 reps.
Always use the same weight. You only do one set of this special technique/method."

My reading on this is:
Do a 2 x 6 for warm-up wit 70% of the max weight
and them do
1 x 4 or 6 Hard Reps
Rest 15 Seconds
1 x 2 or 3 Hard Reps
Rest 15 Seconds
1 x 1 or 2 Hard Reps.

Where is the part of doing it until we cannot do one more without breaking form?

Thanks in advance.

The “warm-up“ is not your typical warm-up. They are feeler sets to find a suitable work weight. The first set of four-six should be to failure. After the 15 second rest, you go to failure again, (CTs throwing a number out to give you an idea of what you’ll likely hit) and after your last 15 second break, go to failure again.
These rest pause sets have a precipitous decline in reps since they are all beyond failure training.

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You do as many reps as you can with a weight that allows you to get 4 to 6 reps, you stop when you know another rep might not be possible. Rest 20 seconds and do that again which will probably give you two or three reps. Rest 20 seconds again and do a third mini set of as many reps as possible which will be again around 2 reps.

Example. Front Squat.

225 lbs
Set 1. 5 reps. Stop the set because you know a 6th rep might not happen. Rack the weight and rest 20 seconds.

Set 2. 3 reps. Rack the weight because you know a 4th rep might not be possible. Rest 20 seconds.

Set 3. 2 reps. Rack the weight

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Hi Guys,

The part that I was missing is the part that the weight is really really heavy so I can only acomplish those “low” number of reps.

Now I get it. :slight_smile:
