Greetings fellow Barbarians… I have come up with an interesting diet plan here that combines a method of carb cycling with the concept of Insulin sensitivity in hopes of chasing the fabled “Lean Bulk” approach to training. Heres the idea:
No Carbs until post workout ( excluding vegetables )
Post workout- Cram in the appropriate amount of carbs based on what you trained that day )
Keep in mind i train at 5pm and this approach may not work well for others.
Macros are as follows:
220lb 22 y/o training 5 days a week
High Carb days - 330g P 415g C 120g F
Moderate Carb days 330g P 330g C 120g F
Low Carb days 330g P 250g C 120g F
2 High Priority training days ( HIGH CARB )
3 Moderate Priority training days ( MODERATE CARB )
2 Low Rest days ( LOW CARB )
As we all know Insulin Sensitivity is at its highest in the morning. Meaning our muscles can sop up a bunch of carbs and have us ripped in no time. UNFORTUNATELY our fat cells are working in the same, if not even more so; at sopping up those carbs. Now, we get one more chance to open up these flood gates of carb consumption. POST WORKOUT! The act of strenuous physical activity increases insulin sensitivty once again, but this time… only for the muscles.
Which means, in theory; that if you hold off on all carbs until post workout you should be able to maintain your caloric surplus, carb intake, and lean muscle gains, without the dreaded love handles rearing their ugly head because your body will only be able to shuttle these carbs into the muscles instead of the fat cells. This diet also prevents a slowed-metabolism by fluctuating the calories, depending on levels of training on those specific days.
What are you androgen crazed animals’ opinions on such a diet. As i am planning on putting together a training program along with a diet plan to be readily available for download here soon. Would like your opinions. Thanks