I already sent an email to Coach Davies about this, but I wanted to see what kind of diets those of you training renegade style are using. According to an article by Ron Rosedale he suggests high fat and protein diets during athletic training. His numbers are 60-65% fat, 25-30% proteins and the rest carbs.
For those of you doing Renegade training, or any kind of athletic training, what kind of diet do you use?
A lot of Renegades will say they like the warrior diet, but I will eat anything in sight if I go four hours without food. That’s just how I am. For the most part my meals are high fat and protein with low carbs mostly from veggies and around training time I am not afraid to eat a ton of carbs before or after training, or during for that matter. As far as percentage of protein. I would rather stay in the 1-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. I think for anyone who has been Renegade Training steadily for 6 months or more probably has had a furnace replace their metabolism. In the Off season IHOP is scared of us. We hit the weights after breakfast around 7am slam a recovery drink on the way to the beach by 9am and we are drinking coffee at IHOP ordering everything on the menu by 11:30am . Getting leaner by the second.
Coach Davies has similar ideas to the Poliquin style diet. He likes veggies(greens), tons of protein(buffalo), and complex low glycemic carbs. But, like the Dark one said, if you train renegade you can eat whatever the hell you want because the training style allows it.
You can do the Poliquin style diet but you will likely need more carbs if training renegade style. The Renegade workouts call for much more conditioning, sprinting and GPP work (probably 2 or 3 times as much)and thus use a lot more calories and carbs. Poliquin seems to favor moderate to high volume on the weights and low volume on everything else so a lower carb diet is virtually the only way to lose fat on a workout regimen such as this. When doing the overall volume of renegade training you might find you can eat just about whatever you want and still drop some fat but Coach Davies recommends whole foods. that is, if you can kill it or grow it then you can eat it. If not then stay away from it.
What are your sources of fat and carbs? And don’t go tell me to read “Foods that make you look good nekid.” I have read it and know all that. I just want to hear what you guys are eating and see if you have any new ideas. I am eating lots of oatmeal, yams, nuts, natural peanut butter, rice, etc. Thanks.
I think Renegades should eat similar to how bodybuilders eat, with the exception that carbs might be needed more. However, I do believe that diet is very individual. I don’t prefer to eat more than 40% carbs of my calories and generally stick to about 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fats. The foods I eat are chicken, fish, eggs, protein, black beans, brown rice, whole wheats (pasta, bread, tortilla), oats, flax and fish oils, and I try to get some fibrous veggies. I eat maybe a piece of fruit every other day. There is no reason that fat should be high.
fats: olive oil, udo's oil, plus the fats from the foods I eat
I also use apple cider vinegar and bragg's liquid amino's on my salads (not sure where they fit in). I will be supplementing with ZMA (just waiting for it to arrive) as well. For fruits I eat 3-4 pieces a day consisting of apples and oranges, and a banana post workout. For veggies I now eat 1 bunch of brocolli a day and 10+ asparagus sticks, plus a couple salads. I am sure Coach would probably want me to eat more veggies than this, but it's a start.