The 4 Most Damaging Types of Training

by Dr. John Rusin

Bodybuilding, powerlifting, CrossFit, running: Which one will mess you up the most and how can you prevent it?

Which type of training causes the most physical damage? It's one of the most passionately battled debates in sports medicine. With the recent popularization of CrossFit, the fiery debate has been doused with kerosene.

There's no doubt that CrossFit has put its dysfunctional stamp on the fitness industry, but where does it compare to the traditional joint-crushing training methods like powerlifting, bodybuilding, and running in terms of orthopedic health and function?

It's time to pledge your allegiance, pick a side, and get ready to wage war. As a doctor of physical therapy and a soft tissue specialist, here's where I stand on which training methods are helping us achieve a greater overall level of fitness and health, and which methods should be banned in all 50 states.

And if, despite my warnings, you still refuse to face facts and continue to inflict damage to yourself, at least play an active roll in limiting the damage by using the sport-specific self-myofascial release techniques I prescribe at the end of each discussion.

Fourth Most Debilitating: Bodybuilding

Sure, bodybuilding has continued to draw some negative attention due to the blatant and obvious use of performance enhancing drugs, even within the "natural" divisions. For those athletes that compete in the open divisions and embrace the drug culture, I say they're at least being up front and honest in their pursuit of muscle and performance. The same can't be said for any other sport in the world.

Honesty does not exclude bodybuilding from its spot on the list of the most debilitating forms of training in the fitness industry, though. Throwing slabs of muscle onto your less-than-adequate frame for purely aesthetical reasons is bound to cause some dysfunction sooner or later. If you want to continue, you better find a way to preserve the mobility you have left.

Though bodybuilders are some of the most structured and intelligently programmed athletes in the fitness world, they're still prone to some serious forms of overuse injuries. The use of PEDs throws the body into an anabolic shit storm of muscle growth that the non-contractile tissues (tendons, ligaments and fascia) just can't adequately support. Also, the common use of active muscle isolation leads to an increased rate of muscular adhesion, thus causing an increase in intramuscular scar tissue formation.

The presence of scar tissue is a precursor to decreased movement capacity and overall dysfunction. If bodybuilders want to continue to compete on the big stage, it's imperative they get their soft tissues cleaned up. And no, the monthly trip to your Active Release Techniques (A.R.T.) guy isn't good enough. You must take your mobility and soft tissue quality into your own hands, literally.

Here are the top three sites of dysfunction specific to bodybuilders that can be self-treated. Get hands-on with your own tissues. Your body, and your performance, will thank you.

Third Most Debilitating: Powerlifting

With a combination of explosive power and technical ability, powerlifting separates the pretenders from the elite athletes in a quantitative manner.

If you didn't already know it, these are some of the baddest dudes in the business. You don't get that strong by mistake. The body is put under some excruciating muscle tearing, tendon stretching stresses in order to adapt to handling the loads that produce PRs. Even with intelligent training methods and technical proficiency, debilitating injuries are as much a part of the game as the ability to place in your weight class.

Training for the big three puts the body under extremely challenging conditions. There's a fine line between progression and injury, and it's a line that's straddled every day for those who live to not only stay competitive, but also victorious. The bench, squat, and deadlift weren't designed for extreme volumes and frequencies, but that's exactly what powerlifters are doing with them.

The body can only withstand so much torture before it retaliates. Here are the three most effective self-treatment techniques to keep you moving some serious iron off the floor while still maintaining your ability to crawl up to the podium.

Second Most Debilitating: CrossFit

If exercise is your only goal, you're most likely a CrossFitter. Like it or not, unless you're on ESPN crushing Fran with the likes of Rich Froning, you're not considered an athlete of any sort. Just as the average 60-year-old woman likes to get jiggy with Zumba every Saturday morning, you're just another wannabe sweating your way towards traumatic injury and shitty Olympic lifting mechanics.

As a sports performance physical therapist, I first have to thank CrossFit founder Greg Glassman for keeping my schedule full of CrossFit newbie train-wreck cases. Yes, he's achieved his goal of creating a culture where even he's considered in elite shape, but in the process, he and his weekend-certified coaches have put an end to many unpromising careers, largely due to preventable injuries that could be absolutely avoided with just the slightest hint of fundamental programming.

Congratulations, mission accomplished, as GWB once said. And once again, thank you for all the referrals!

Shoulder injuries have never been more prominent in the fitness industry than after the popularization of CrossFit. I'm convinced that the wildfire spread of CrossFit is due to the initial investments of orthopedic surgeons worldwide. What's better than surgically correcting an injury that you had a hand in causing? Charlie Sheen would call that *winning* and since this is America, you aren't truly winning unless other people are losing. Welcome to our medical system.

This year, over 70% of CrossFitters will be sidelined for over a week at a time due to injury. A majority of that 70% can be attributed to shoulder injuries. The rest of the injuries are split between programmed random acts of stupidity (also known as WODs) and spinal issues.

In my article, Do-It-Yourself Mysofascial Release, I tackled the techniques that could be used to self-treat some of the deeper structures of the shoulder complex. With the waddle rate strikingly high in boxes across the world, the lower back dysfunction created by CrossFit is an entirely different beast in itself.

Here are a few techniques to limit that shitty anteriorly tilted pelvic posture that you've developed through strategically sacrificing looking good naked and being healthy. If you insist on losing your gains through light load, high-rep Olympic lifting, make sure to limit some of the trashing your body is about to endure with self-myofascial release. Save your back and simultaneously save your ass with a just a few moves.

Most Debilitating: Running

Ah running... the most widely practiced physical activity in the world with nearly two billion people jiggling their way to a body only a mother could love. From those staggering numbers it's confirmed that we, as an industry, have failed the general gluten-free cupcake eating public.

Let's be honest, in 2014, it's pretty damn hard to make CrossFit look like the less shitty alternative to an unsafe and ineffective form of training. Though CrossFit is gaining ground, the overall numbers don't lie. For every one bandwagoning CrossFitter flopping around on the pull-up bar, there are 800 people consciously working their way towards metabolic syndrome accompanied by a total knee replacement, one painful step at a time.

I don't know about your country, but the American infrastructure wasn't designed to withstand this kind of punishment. The streets deserve better.

In an attempt to save our roadways and orthopedic health, let's take a deeper look into how running has continued to do absolutely nothing to eradicate the American obesity epidemic while adding to the ever-rising orthopedic dysfunction and injury rates plaguing our questionable medical system.

Running has single-handedly made the presence of pain the norm in an American society that's struggling to be active. Up to 80% of runners are in pain on any given run, no matter the distance, intensity, or course. If you accept this statistic as "part of the game," you're just as much to blame as Phil Knight and the injury rainmakers over at Nike. Time to question your own beliefs and help evolve our poorly educated society, one runner at a time.

An ideal running stride is as rare as the thousand-pound squat. Just because you *can* run doesn't mean you *should*. Without the ability to achieve proper biomechanics, your running is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Would you squat if you couldn't keep from drawing attention from you atrocious form? I think not.

With every gait being as uniquely awful as the next, there are some common dysfunctions that show up no matter if you're running the four minute mile or run-walking your way to another oversized T-shirt. If you're truly passionate about running, fine, that's your prerogative; here are some self-myofascial release techniques that will limit your ever-impending doom.



  1. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: CF Injury.
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Having done and continuing to do all of these, except I donā€™t focus much on bodybuilding, I can say most of my injuries and issues have come from lifting really heavy weights and going for PRs on one-rep max. I think CrossFit is pretty safe if the coaching is good. Unfortunately, most places donā€™t give people the attention they need and are supposedly paying for with the high fee for CrossFit. So newer people develop bad form and bad habits. But itā€™s job security for you. lol.

I have to defend running somewhat, all due respect. While I agree that the majority of those who run do not do so with proper mechanics, if you have great mobility and put your mind into your form by making every step as easy as possibleā€¦well, running has benefited me in so many ways when I include it for my conditioning - set aside from my strength training. What also makes it so potentially injury inducing is the competitive state of mind so many have - with too much emphasis on mile times, race times, being the ā€œfastestā€ that ego gets in the way. However, if the mobility is there and the ego is gone and form is prioritizedā€¦I mean, the stress reducing benefits and the cardio conditioning that has helped with my strength training make running to me an outstanding practice. All due respect.

Running is evil.

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Interestingly, about a year ago, I saw an article claiming CrossFit was the safest exercise approach. I about injured myself when I fell out of my chair.

Recovering CrossFitter here. Triathlon before that. Dabbled with power lifting. Anytime you put a clock on exercise, you increase the risk of injury. You canā€™t avoid it. Still, I canā€™t completely quit CrossFit. Lots of benefits come with the risks. You just have to be smart enough to refuse to take the bait to make every WOD a competition.

Most CrossFit Champions donā€™t actually do CrossFit. They train for the competition similar to powerlifters and strongmen.

Itā€™s a cool optic but a shitty program.

Quite a provocative and cynical article that at least from a CrossFit perspective is outdated indeed. Already in 2014, it encouraged some of Dr. Rusinā€™s colleagues to bring some more grey into the black and white, apparently:

All these articles about ā€˜the worst this and thatā€™, ā€˜the most ridiculous so and soā€™, ā€˜1001 things never to do again when you are in the gymā€™, do not help T-nationā€™s readers to improve. They cause a raised eyebrow at best, and are funny read to pass time that everybody could have used better by working out instead imho.

And, there goes your credibility.

Yep, youā€™re right, Dutchies need spellcheckers

You get a pass.

I would say thatā€™s not true (having been in the CF world for a couple of years now). Powerlifting is not usually the limiting factor for excelling in CF, and getting stronger at powerlifting movements is not a main priority for those interested in moving up the leader boards.

The training for competitive CF athletes is more focused on OLY lifting and their variations, gymnastics/bar work, and conditioning. The CF athletes training for competitions donā€™t do daily full effort WODs like the average dudes in the class; instead they spend more time practicing the technical work, and also practicing challenging movements (hand stand push ups, muscle ups, pistol squats, rope climbs) under fatigue.

My powerlifting numbers have never been close to a limiting factor, and I have competed in local competitions, the CF Open, and even made and competed in the CF Quarterfinals this year. My 1 RMā€™s for BP, BSQ, and DL are 285, 335, and 400 lbs, respectively. But, my OLY lifts and gymnastics/skill work are far behind the elite and the reason I am not yet close to advancing to the Semifinals.

I donā€™t feel this article meets the quality standards I would expect from a T-Nation article.

First, Iā€™m unable to easily locate the article in the referenced peer review article (the only article I can find related to injuries in CrossFit and Powerlifting dates back to 2013) so a better reference to the article would help.

Second, the majority of the article is qualitative - there is nothing showing rates of injury per population, per hour of training and nothing comparing that against any sort of control group (i.e. non-exercising population).

Third, I think most would agree the snarky tone is not appropriate.

Finally, myofascial release, while extensively practiced and certainly with varied support from different research, is not widely accepted by all PTs as having the most efficacy. It would be excellent to reference a few scholarly articles related to this as well.

This is what most people donā€™t understand. It is the WODs that are repetitive and are likely to cause injury.


Whatā€™s interesting/unusual to note about this article is this: it describes 4 very effective training methods and portrays them as ā€œdamagingā€. To me, instead, it points out a couple of truths:

  1. Any training method is going to have common hazards that come along with it.
  2. Being completely one-dimensional in your training approach is likely to cause problems.

In reality, if you developed a training program that involved all of these elements, youā€™d be doing pretty well. Letā€™s look at how a week might look like:

Monday: Crossfit and bodybuilding-type accessories
Tuesday: Powerlifting using 531 or Tactical Barbell
Wednesday: Running. 5 miles done low intensity steady-state.
Thursday: Off
Friday: Crossfit and bodybuilding-type accessories
Saturday: Powerlifting using 531 or Tactical Barbell
Sunday: Off

Iā€™d say this is a pretty perfect set up.

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