Long story short, I’ve done starting strength with great success, I’ve done a year of 5/3/1 with great success, I’ve done bodybuilding templates with great success, i’ve done 5/3/1 with sled drags and tire flips with great success. Last week I started crossfit and have tendonitis in both elbows already.
This was brought on by what I believe was from the handstand pushups practice, muscleups, and kipping pullups. don’t get me wrong, I think hspu’s and muscleups are super impressive and you do have to be very strong to do them, BUT, I am wondering about their technicallness as they are related to just your average joe who doesn’t have a coach. I feel like I’m putting a lot of strain on my tendons and joints doing all those movements over and over and over, day after day.
Now, that said, I want to do SOMETHING that resembles crossfit, but without the technical risky aspects and the randomness. I’m looking to have a balanced mix of strength and good enough conditioning to jump into a half marathon on a week’s notice. Would conditioning tools such as sled drags, sled drag sprints, track sprints, hill sprints, burpees, box jumps, jump rope, sledgehammer hits, tractor tire flips, and the occasional distance run be sufficient enough to have a solid balance of strength and conditioning?
I’m sure this answer is so obvious, but I’m feeling clouded right now because I wanted to give xfit a try, but I’m feeling like much of it is just a bit too technical for a former powerlifter.