I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who
has ever answered one of my questions on this
forum, and to the T-mag staff for maintaining
it. Also want to give a special thanks to
Bill Roberts for all the expert advice
on AAS and related drugs, and to John
Berardi for the help with massive eating
and related questions. If anyone in the BB
world ever deserved the title of “gurus” it’s
you guys. (No, not kissing ass, they just
really helped me out and I appreciate it. And
I might not have the time to be around much
anymore, so wanted to say that while I have
the chance.)
i feel the same way.
Ditto…Free btw, read ur stats on anothr posts…great job
Hey Free Extropian, just wanted to let you know I’ve appreciated your posts…too bad you might be making an exit. I share many of your views and might be one of the few who know what that handle of yours refers to. I just noticed you’re a fellow Economist reader as well. Take care.
Free, thank you for the kind words. I rather enjoy helping out fellow brothers in iron but I especially enjoy helping out those who actually “help themselves”. And you, my friend, have been one of the most pleasant and open-minded guys on the forum. I know you work hard at learning your response to training and nutrition and it’s when guys like you give me feedback that I really take it to heart. Best wishes to you in all your endeavors.
No worries - I’m not going to leave the forum
permanently forever. My work load varies and
sometimes I have to work insane hours. When
that happens I just don’t have the time to
spend on the forum. I can’t always predict
what my schedule will be. But I know that I’ll
be really busy for the next several weeks; not
sure when I’ll be back. But sooner or later.