Hi all,
I just got an e-mail from someone who says my disposition
in the way I answer questions here on this board leaves
a lot to be desired, that I come off nasty and denigratory.
He’s 100% correct - sometimes I can be a real jerk.
But I want to clarify a few things here:
I do this for free. I do not get paid anything to answer
question-after-question. And I have a real problem
with answering the same questions twenty-thirty times
in a month when the answers to the questions being asked
are readily available - either in the archives of
T-MAG or merely by searching this board. But OK, I can
deal with this issue because that’s not the biggest issue I have with some people.
The thing that really grates on my nerves more than
anything, is when someone asks a question and does not
provide sufficient information to answer it correctly.
Example: “Hi, I have two bottles of Decanadrolene and
20 amps of Sustanon, please make me a cycle”.
How am I (or Bill) supposed to answer this question?
I don’t know your height, weight, physical, condition,
how long you have been training or what your goals
are from the cycle. Are you bulking? Cutting?
I need a heck of a lot more info than that.
I am sorry if I am coming off as an ass here, I don’t mean
to. I am merely trying to get as many people as I can
to think critically. Teaching you to think logically
and creatively is the best gift I can offer you - putting
together a cycle or whatever, that’s peanuts compared to
getting someone to use inductive and/or deductive logic.
The next time you post a question, please ask yourself the
following question before you hit that “post message”
If I were the ‘expert’ trying to answer this question, would
there be enough information to formulate a cogent and
intelligent answer?
If the answer to that is “no”, then go back and rewrite
the question. If the answer is “yes” than hit the
‘post message’ button.
Folks, I am not a mind reader - I really don’t want to infer
“what you really mean”, just spell it out for me and I am
quite happy to answer questions I feel qualified to
answer. Even the redundant questions I answered last
I’m not going to address this issue again - if you don’t
post even cursory information as to what you want,
I am going to ignore the question (thereby reducing the
chance that people will e-mail me and tell me I am an
–Brock Strasser