Hello all!
I have been running a routine called fierce 5 for the past 9 months. My squat, bench and OHP have all increase but for the last 3 months the progress has been extremely slow/non existent. I’m currently 22, weighing 165 lbs @ 5 foot 8 and I’m taking in 3000 cal a day +/- 100 cal
I have moved home for the summer but my local gym only has one squat rack. I have used this as an opportunity to make my own Power rack. It’s very convenient, but I’m limited to a Barbell and a pull up bar, so that will need to be taken into account.
My main goal is to increase strength in the 1-5 rep range for all my major lifts especially the OHP, Squat and pull ups.I would love to squat 315 pounds for two reps by the end of august. My current numbers are as follows:
*Numbers are being converted from kg to lbs
Back Squat 1 x 286
Bench press 1 x 181
Pendaly Row 8 x 132
Press 1 x 110
Front Squat 1 x 220
Romanian Deadlift 8 x 198
Pullup 5 x Bodyweight
I have done some research and two methods keep coming up. 5/3/1 and the Texas Method. At the moment I am leaning more towards the Texas method as it seems to be more straight forward.
Does any body have any tips on what would be the best for me?
Thanks everybody.