Hey guys, Swoleheim here… I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to switch up the Texas Method, I’ve been doing 5x5 for 8 weeks now and have progressed 60 pounds on my squat (1 set of 5) and 45 on my bench (1 set of 5) I want to start switching it to sets of 3 now but I’m not sure if the progress would continue or not. I’m very new to the Texas method so if there are any veterans with it I would love the advice thank you.
My progression is above.
I was thinking of switching it to 8x3 for squat on my volume day and keeping everything else the same, than on my PR day just warming up and hitting a heavy set of 3, I just want continuous progression.
It sounds like there’s no reason to change anything. You gained a huge amount of strength in 8 weeks. Really. Fantastic progress. You’ve done good. Keep doing what you’re doing.
Doing the same thing can be boring, I know. You can probably switch out some of the accessory exercises if you’re bored. e.g. pullups instead of chinups, or neutral grip. Maybe swap out the tricep pushdowns for tricep extensions with a DB, etc. etc.
great progress. stick with what youre doing till you stall hard. Once this happens switch to another program for couple months then rgo back and repeat texas method
[quote]goochadamg wrote:
It sounds like there’s no reason to change anything. You gained a huge amount of strength in 8 weeks. Really. Fantastic progress. You’ve done good. Keep doing what you’re doing.
Doing the same thing can be boring, I know. You can probably switch out some of the accessory exercises if you’re bored. e.g. pullups instead of chinups, or neutral grip. Maybe swap out the tricep pushdowns for tricep extensions with a DB, etc. etc.
Wish I knew this today… It was my volume day and it went like this.
Squat 5x3 with 335 Belt less (belt broke)
OHP 125 3x5 than 2x3 due to fatigue
Deadlift 345 3x3 belt less
I will switch back to my 5x5 on squats next week.
Could I possibly switch out my power cleans for something more main lift oriented? (Deficit deads or something?)