A friend of mine is in asia. I asked him to look for some gear all he found so far is Testosterone Undecanoate from ZHEJIANG MEDICAL COMP 250 mg 1cc I have never heard of this, any info would be helpful.
That is Andriol, oral test. It is pretty worthless, unless he has it in powder form which you could convert and inject.
Medium acting injectable needs to be injected every 5-7 days to keep high amounts
It is injectable 250 mg per cc
Test Undecanoate is a roid called Andriol–like was said before–it is pretty worthless!! Let me know where in Asia your friend is, and I’ll list the roids available there (I’ve lived in Asia for 10 years)!
Test Undecanoate in injectable form is not the same as Andriol orals. It is more like Test Cypionate and has a medium half-life. Shot it every 7 days or so.