There’s a guy offering me this stuff called Andreol (not Anadrol).
He says it’s a good AS for cutting, although
it’s content is supposed to be T.
Could someone please give me more insight on this stuff, since I’m mildly interested but I wish to know more about this product. (And amazingly enough, I havent found any info on it on t-mag, so I’m starting to think it’s fake)
Are you sure you don’t mean Andriol? Andriol is oral testosterone undecanoate made by Organon. It’s real.
Thanks Baran, that might be it, he might be dyslexik and not being able to spell properly (pardon the pun).
However, I’ve done some research on Andriol on t-mag and I’ve read some mixed options.
Some say it’s a sophisticated steriod, others say it’s total crap.
Thing is, where I live it’s easier to get Deca, Sustanon and Andriol than decent products like Biotest’s, and getting clomid is hard then making icecream in hell.
So what I got access to currently is deca, sustanon and this Andriol, and I’m wondering what I can do with the stuff, being 22 years of age and having trained ‘pure’ for 4 years.
Regardless of peoples opinions of Andriol, economically, it is the worst choice you make. I know people might recommend more, but I’ve seen countless people get 20lb gains from first cycles of only 250mg Sustanon or 400mg Deca.
One of the good things about Andriol is that it is virtually free of side-effects. However, it is not 17-alkylated (spelling?), you have to take it frequently, and its bioavailabilty is questionable. In other words, it seems like it would be no different than taking oral 4-AD.