Testing the 225 for reps

What would be the best way to warm-up for a 225 test on bench for reps. My thoughts would be to keep reps low for warm-up sets, or at least not be fatigued for the test. I wouldn’t do something like 45x15, 135x15, 185x12 and then max. I suppose it might depend on how hard 225 would be, what % of max it is. Let’s say that I think I could do 225 for 15 reps. How would you guys recommend that I warm-up for it?

135x8, 155x6, 185x4, then max. I’ve seen a well-known strength coach and former olympian use this warmup to prepare an NFL hopeful for the test once before.

Start with like 155. Do about five reps. then increase about five pounds per side doing two to five reps until you are up to 2 plates per side. See how may you can do. You can’t just pile on two plates per side and go for it out of the box, you are right to warm up. But you don’t want to expend so much strength, i.e, doing multiple flyes let’s say to loosen up the chest, that you are too fatigued to have an accurate test of how many times you can put up the 225. nick

I’d do a few sets of no more than 6 reps with the test weight and then have at it. Anything higher than 6 is a no-no; even if the weight is relatively light. Take a couple of sets to get used to the weight and then rest about 5 mins and test your max.

I do high reps with 225 once a week and for a warmup I do some ab work, the back hyperextentions and then go right into it. BUT, I ride a bicycle to the gym so my legs are already warmed up a little. I suppose you could do some light cycling before you start.

My training took off when I learned to wean myself off of warm ups. I use warm ups now, rarely, to get my head in the game. It’ll be tough, but there will be next to no performance loss. If you must, I’d use two to three reps, two to three sets, 155,185, 225, minute rest, after last, rest 3, and get after it. How often do you test?

I’d 100% disagree. Doing the initial warmup should be easy. Like you said: 45 x 15, 135 x 8, 185 x 3.

But then I’d do something really heavy - like 275 (or even 285) for 4. Of course, you’d need to rest after for a bit, but the 225 should be a cake-walk.

The warmup sets serve two purposes.

1. To acquaint the body with the range of motion to be expected during the lift.

2. To prepare it for the expected load.

For a test such as this, I’d recommend using loads of 50%, 65% and 80% of the work set for sets of 3 reps. You might also benefit from doing a single at a weight higher than your predicted work set, as a sort of ‘priming’ effect.

The problem I’ve seen with the suggestions so far is that many seem to coincide only with various combinations of weight plates, without having any sort of logical analysis regarding what load you’re dealing with.

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I have thought about using a heavier load for a set of 2 or so reps for the “priming effect”. I recall doing this back in the NeuroGain days if you old EAS guys remember that. And it worked. I completely disagree with the theory of only doing a few warm-up sets with light weights. I agree with Joel in that no more than 6 reps should be done on any warm-up set. Keep the suggestions coming. I’ll be sure to post my results as my training partner and I will be testing in a few weeks.

i would go, 45 for about 6, 95 for 6, 135 for 6, 185 for 3, then hit it. Just wondering if your getting about 15 reps, what your 1RM is?

To be honest, I haven’t tested the 225 in a very long time and my max as well. My max usually floats around the 300-315 area but again I haven’t done that in months.

The most I ever did 225 for was 12 reps and I also did 275 for 7 reps. At that time my max was 335. However, I can now do a set of 8 on 225 with a good amount of ease and feel that if I was fresh and warmed up properly I could do 15. The only problem is that I haven’t been using heavy weights on the flat bench, mostly just decline, incline, floor movements. I hope it transfers over. I’m looking forward to finding out.