anybody have any tips for raising a 225 bench max or have any workouts to recommend?
How much time do you have? Where are you at now?I don’t have any direct programs, but if you focus on max strength your endurance will go up.
yup if you only have a short amount of time just start once or twice a week repping 275 or 315 get good at that and 225 will be cake.
or One day higher like the 275-315 one day shit ton of reps but lower 185 in this way you are working on bringing the 225 up but indirectly sounds crazy but it works.
In the end get stronger and you’ll rep more.
There’s really 2 things. Pushing up your max helps. Also doing speed work helps. This is why. Let’s say you’ve got a 1 minute timeframe until your lactic acid kicks in and shuts your muscles down. Speed work would play a role because the more reps you can throw in in one minute before the shutdown occurs the better. Pushing them up slow and waiting at all between reps works against you.
Check out Joe DeFranco’s writings here and his website. He is a big believer in max strength helping this test.
I have until i cant push off another rep so no frame of time. I dont have to test for another 10 weeks at a combine but i am weighing in at 215 right now and got 23 reps 3 weeks ago
What’s your max bench?
a. If your max is closer to 300 than 500 than work on improving that first.
b. If not work on higher rep work at 315.
c. If you’re about in between, do what phill outlined for 4-6 weeks then reassess according to a. and b.
[quote]warriornation31 wrote:
I have until i cant push off another rep so no frame of time. I dont have to test for another 10 weeks at a combine but i am weighing in at 215 right now and got 23 reps 3 weeks ago[/quote]
he is not talking about a time limit like someone is standing there with a stop watch but the amount of time you have before certain factors limit the amount of force your body can produce. If you don’t understand this go in next time and see how many times you can bench 225 taking 5 seconds to lower the bar and 5 seconds to raise the bar. This will clearly illustraight how rep speed effects total reps.
O ok i gotcha on the timed reps. My bench is in the high 300s but probably not quite at 400 yet. Any other recomendations other than normal bench?
[quote]warriornation31 wrote:
O ok i gotcha on the timed reps. My bench is in the high 300s but probably not quite at 400 yet. Any other recomendations other than normal bench?[/quote]
Work up to an easy 1RM then do a couple of sets to failure at 225.