Test/EQ/Deca/Anadrol cycle

Hey fellas. Looking into a new cycle so figured I’d see what anyone thought of it. A little back ground on me I’m 36, 6’5” and 230lbs. Been lifting on and off most my life but have been steady the past 3 years. I’ve ran several cycles but nothing crazy. Usually test, deca and sometime dbol. Anyways I’m looking to try something new. Was thinking TestE/Deca/EQ/Anadrol and possibly proviron?

Weeks 1-8
Anadrol 50 mg e.d
Weeks 1-16
TestE 600mg split 3 x a week
Deca 300mg split 3 x a week
EQ 300mg split 3 x a week

I’ve been cruising one 125mg test cyp a week for 3 months now. Anyways would you guys recommend running it longer like 20 weeks since the Eq and Deca take a while to kick in, and should I taper the dosing up, like peak it higher mid cycle then taper back down? And would proviron be beneficial? I’ve always read great things about it. Just never used it. I’ve also read people running the Deca and Eq higher than test but I’m not sure what ratio would be optimal. I’m by no means an expert at all. But I welcome criticism and any advice you guys have.

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Personally I like this stack with a few mods.
No need to pin 3x per week. 2x is fine.

Anadrol-50mg/day later in the cycle when lifts stall. 5 weeks max.
AI on hand
Organ protection

Any time I run NPP/deca I will run proviron to keep DHT/DHN balanced. This is the main reason for deca dick. 25mg/day up to 300deca. Over 300 i would run 50mg/day proviron.

16 weeks is pretty long. I would cut it at 14 weeks personally. That is plenty of time to put on some tissue if your diet and training are on point.

No need to taper anything. Run the same doses the whole cycle.


My take:

No need to taper.
Run the cycle for 20 weeks since you’re cruising and don’t need to PCT.

What were your doses on your previous cycles?

I’d run the deca the same dose as test - 600mg. Pin 2x/wk

If you’re prone to deca dick you’ll get it no matter the dose of test or deca. I’ve ran TRT doses of testosterone and 600mg of deca and had no problems. It’s all individual.

Use the anadrol when your lifts begin to stall like @s.gentz suggested.

I’ve never ran EQ but I think you’ll be fine at 400mg/wk

I would suggest masteron instead of proviron but if you already bought it then use that.

If you ve never ran EQ before. Make sure you pull bloods around 6 wks.
For me it acted as a very powerful AI.
At the time I was running 500/400 test to EQ My Test level was 2,300+ and E2 was “8” !

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This seems like an extreme amount of AAS for someone not competing. That is twice as much per week as I ever took.

Agreed on the AI activity. I would be scared to run EQ higher than Test.

I’ve read some different views on running deca higher than the test. Everyone seems to have a personal opinion. It makes sense to me to run it higher. And I’m more so interested in the proviron and its ability to free up available testosterone. And to help the deca dick for sure. Have you run NPP before instead of deca?

Did the EQ help with your appetite?

I agree with the 20weeks. I used to pin 2x a week but started to get some pip at 3cc. So I just added another day to inject a little less and it seemed to help. It sucks pinning so frequently but it did clear up any sides I was having also. How were your results running deca higher? Some people swear it the way to go.

Personally I would run the test/deca lower. Let the EQ shine here.
But you do you. Gotta experiment to find what works best for you.

Yes, they are the same compound just with different esters attached. NPP is a bit stronger mg to mg because of this. On a long cycle though I would not even think about running NPP as you need to pin EOD. That get’s old after 6-7 weeks.

People take a lot more than they used to

Hence why peak Arnold wouldn’t even place today

That and his physique wasn’t dry/lean enough or proportioned in line with what people look for today

My heaviest cycle was 250mg test 100mg mast and 10-15mg dbol

Went for eight weeks

With the dbol 2 weeks off 2 weeks off

This was a bit over five years ago now

Yet everyone still sees his physique as the pinnacle of bodybuilding and aspires to look like him. At least I think that’s the current criteria that is still circulating today…

I don’t know what you’re asking. Physique wise I achieved more or less what I wanted - I have a thread somewhere here with pics.

If you’re asking for possible symptoms of running deca higher than test, I had none.

Mostly because Arnold is pre HGH and insulin.

Yes, it did

Bro again with you. So you’re saying you took 150mg eq, 150 deca, and 300 test. Nothing ever above that. Ever. You’re a troll, bro

Truth is the most Equipoise I ever took is 50mg/wk, which is probably why I didn’t believe it was a good AAS for growth.

The most testosterone cypionate I ever took was 200mg/wk.

The most Deca I ever took was 200mg/wk.

For the most part I typically took between 400 and 600mg/wk of total AAS on cycles. I competed and took AAS in the '70’s, '80’s, and '90’s.

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