Deca/ test/ anadrol cycle input

Some history. Currently 42 and don’t ever come off low dose test, cruise at anywhere between 150 - 200 mg week cyp or sust or E. 180lbs,5’6”, 10% BF, macros on point for constantly “lean bulking” (I hate that terminology). Have extensive experience with tren, NPP, winstrol, dbol and var. Last cycle was NPP 250 mg and test at 600mg for 10 weeks. Weeks 10 -20 tren E at 500 mg and test stayed at 600 for week 10-20. Week 15-20 100 mg eod intramuscular Winny. Minimal sides, I respond well to prog based AAS. I have never run deca or anadrol. Wondering if I need to look out for any surprises running deca since it is a “new” compound for me (I guess really it’s just a new ester for me). Planning on week 1-10 250 deca and 500 test long ester sust blend (planning on pinning each once per week). Week 10-20 upping dose of deca and test depending on bloods and plateau. Anadrol at 50 mg/ day thrown in somewhere around week 6 or 8 for max 5 weeks. Never run anadrol before. Basically wondering if I should be worried about any surprises with deca or anadrol with my experience. Also 4 IU growth daily for all 20 weeks but I am experienced with GH. I have everything on hand but caber for assist (dex, tam). I run tudca and NAC with orals. Goal is to put on some lbs of muscle and relief from joint pain for a while (elbow tendinitis). I also have EQ and mast on hand (haven’t run either ever in my life) but I’m not trying to run too many new menu items at once and was planning on saving that for 40 weeks from now.

If you have no issues with NPP you should have none with deca. I prefer to pin my gear 2x per week to keep things more even in the blood but that’s just preference when you using long esters especially when pinning greater volumes.
For the anadrol, the only issues I have ever had was a bit of loss of appetite and heartburn.

This is smart.

I appreciate the advice for the longer esters. I am so used to running my base level test E year round and using test prop on blasts and normally pin eod with the short ester. This will be my first time with longer test ester, per ml Testosterone lsocaproate-100mg, Testosterone Cypionate-100mg, Testosterone Decanoate-150mg ,Testosterone Undecanoate-150mg (500mg/ ml). I have no problem pinning 2x week since I’m used to it on cruise. And less volume per pin sounds better than trying to push 2’ish full cc’s at a time.

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And I’ll be looking forward to a loss of appetite from anadrol. I’m hungry AF all the time.

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