There is on no way any justification for this cycle especially with your stats.
You state deca or eq and comment on needing to run EQ longer. The ester attached to deca vs EQ is one atom longer so the half life difference is about a day. They both need to be run for extended times in order to properly harness them.
You have tren and npp and possibly deca in the same cycle!!! And this is with an anadrol Kickstart! No No No No!!! Do you understand progesterone? Do you understand it is it’s own type of gyno that all the Aromasin in the world won’t help? You have no progesterone support listed. Do you want a special kind of gyno that makes your nipples leak milk like a mother of a new born?
I am a HUGE fan of a Trifecta stack, one from all three steroid families. When I run one I keep my total per week mgs around 1500mgs and I feel iffy doing that. Your total is 2655 the first week then the second week you jump to 2830. Out of that total your progesterone mgs are 700 to possibly 1450! There is in no way you need this much gear or this many compounds!
Please remember those cycles you find online are BS. They are BS because only a professional might possibly run something like that and that is only because they are willing to fuck their health for a goal. The other side of that is those dosages you see are because there are a lot of under dosed products out there throwing off the procieved mg total. Basically the label says 250 but really it’s 190. Do not assume your gear is under doses and then dose some ridiculous amount thinking it’s okay.
There is no need for two orals period. If you were running very low doses of each then maybe it would be ok but you are running full doses. Again the guys that do this are totally saying fuck it I don’t care what this does to my health I have a goal to reach. Before they do this sort of behavior they are at a point where their further development requires drastic measures, you are no where near that with your stats.
I will commend you for clearly stating a request for what you should change. You definitely don’t need anymore gear. Regardless of how many cycles you have done I think something within these guidelines is already pushing it for you;
Keep the total injectable mgs around 1500mgs per week or less.
One oral and one oral only, either one you listed at the stated doses would be ok.
Depending on your history of dosage levels then your stated test dosage is good, even if you have under dosed gear you should still be above 500 actual mgs if you inject 750 per the label.
Pick ONE of the following, tren(this is another world and I hesitate to even say it’s ok for you but I don’t know your compound history), NPP, deca or EQ. Now depending on how long you want to run then this would influence your choice here. If you want to keep it at a 10 week or less cycle then your only two choices are tren a or NPP. With a 10 week cycle and using tren a or NPP you could run 100mgs EOD and I guarantee you will gain. If you wanted to run it out to 12-15 weeks then deca or eq would be ok. For the record 12 is probably too short still. Deca and EQ have long esters attached.
I like the Trifecta stack. If your pick test and a choice between tren or NPP then use anadrol as your kick start you will have one compound from each family of steroids. Anadrol is a DHT although it’s the weird dht and I personally have never used it before. If you do this you need to have some sort of progesterone support available. The options are Pramipexole, cabergoline, bromocriptine. I personally use vitamin b6 at 600mgs per day as added support, I would not rely on it as your only option. Given that you don’t seem to even be aware of the progesterone issues with what you proposed then why not skip the oral kick start (the short ester tren a or NPP will kick pretty quick without an oral) and instead run winstrol for the last 5-6 weeks. If you did winstrol at the end you would still get a Trifecta stack and it will help add some definition for the end. It will also help with a strength boost which is always nice at the end of a cycle.
Please don’t run anything close to what you wrote down. Hell you could still gain naturally without gear at your stats. You shouldn’t be relying on gear to make you gain it just doesn’t work like that , all it does is help.