So yesterday I had to have fillings, told them I wanted to do it without anesthetic. The dentist started drilling and said “Oh, this is deep decay!”, not what I wanted to hear. But it wasn’t that bad, she told me I could just raise my hand if I needed it to stop and get the shot.
When I was a kid I saw Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man, and have always wondered…The sensation was intense but brief. When the nerves were drilled I felt strong heat, and got some red/orange visuals. Dentist was impressed, said she’d never seen anyone not flinch for drilling this deep. Anyone prefer to not get the shot? I’ve always hated the dead mouth feeling when you leave the dentist from the drugs. Nothing exceptional about me, I think it’s all in your head, if you expect it to be terrible it probably will.
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
I’ve only ever had 2 tiny cavities in my anus filled when I was 19. I had no lube.
Can’t say I can relate to anything like a deep drilled ass. [/quote]
[quote]Squiggles wrote:
I hate tooth pain. I’d rather have a 2x4 taken to my head than have my teeth drilled without anastetic. [/quote]
A tooth ache is one thing, but the drilling is something different- I think, because I’ve never had a tooth ache but have talked to many who have.
[quote]biglifter wrote:
So, do you want a gold star or something? I’m confused.[/quote]
It was an interesting experience I wanted to write about, I plan on getting my dental work done this way from now on. I want people to realize there are options, who says you can’t say fuck what everyone else does and see what your limits are? Give it a try if you’re so inclined, that’s all.
My wife was a dental assistant for years. She told me a story of a little Russian lady who had a root canal with no pain killer and never flinched. The old lady explained that where she came from there was no anesthetic and the quality of dentistry was a lot more caues for concern. After hearing that story, I never took the needle again–for fillings. I haven’t yet needed a root canal.
In the end, my wife says if a dentist will work on you without painkiller, he’s highly skilled and that’s a good sign. Kinda like a heart surgeon who’s willing to operate without blood transfusions: He knows what he’s doing.
[quote]Humbert wrote:
By the way Hog Ear, this was in NC(Wilmington). What sucks is that they still charge the same whether you use the needle or not…[/quote]
Tell me about it, had to pay the same price! But it was nice not being all sloppy mouthed when I left.
[quote]Humbert wrote:
My wife was a dental assistant for years. She told me a story of a little Russian lady who had a root canal with no pain killer and never flinched. The old lady explained that where she came from there was no anesthetic and the quality of dentistry was a lot more caues for concern. After hearing that story, I never took the needle again–for fillings. I haven’t yet needed a root canal.
In the end, my wife says if a dentist will work on you without painkiller, he’s highly skilled and that’s a good sign. Kinda like a heart surgeon who’s willing to operate without blood transfusions: He knows what he’s doing.[/quote]
I’m sorry but how skilled someone is as a dentist has nothing to do with working on someone without anesthetic. Pain is relative and some people can tolerate much more than others. If a cavity is SMALL it may not need to be numbed. If it is large, I am not sure why anyone would choose to not be numbed up.
[quote]Humbert wrote:
By the way Hog Ear, this was in NC(Wilmington). What sucks is that they still charge the same whether you use the needle or not…[/quote]
You pay for the type of filling and the extent of repair, not the anesthetic unless nitrous or general anesthesia are used.
Edit: Also, as long as the decay is still all in enamel, chances are great it can be worked on without any anesthetic unless the patient is very sensitive. If it is into dentin, I am not going to work on someone without numbing them up. That makes no sense to me to cause someone several minutes of discomfort all because they don’t want 3 seconds of discomfort.
[quote]MattyG35 wrote:
My dad got a root canal without anesthetic.[/quote]
That is likely because the tooth was already long dead without infection.
Some of you seem to be missing that there is not one single diagnosis for all teeth. That is why thinking that anesthetic is simply something docs push on patients is off.
all i gotta say is, if you ever get the chance to have nitrous take it. Had that shit for my wisdom teeth was the best 30 mins of my life. just sitting there laughing my ass off.