Hey guys I have been trying to narrow down what I should buy for a post workout shake. I am trying to put on weight so I started thinking about buying a specific weight gain shake for my post workout instead of a post workout specific shake. Would there be any advantages or disadvantages to this?
Normally weight gain shakes will give you more protein and carbs (80 grams of carbs, 50 grams of protein) compared to maybe 30/30 grams in a post workout shake. I know most of the post workout specific drinks have creatine and isolate or hydrosolate only whey. Any thoughts would be welcome. Thank you
Buy the post workout shake mix and add a banana to it when you want the extra carbs after a workout.
This way your shake mix will be more versatile and your shakes will contain pureed fruit which will be a lot better then the carbs in most weight gainers.
***On a side note, try “no-sugar added apple sauce” in your post workout shakes. Chocolate and Apples may not sound that great but it adds sweetness with a hint of apple while making the shake thick and creamy.
Asking what you should randomly do with no personal info will just attract the people who are already followers of whatever they happen to be doing right now. No, there is nothing specifically wrong with drinking a weight gain shake after training. That decision would be based on things like your current physical state, your genetics, your goals, how much food it takes for you to gain and past experience.
Weight gainers used to FILL bodybuilding magazines. Now, it is more en vogue to simply call them all crap. They are not all crap…but I doubt most of the people worried about them need them.
You know who would probably NEED a weight gainer? The super lean guy with a lightening fast metabolism who is training all day for weight lifting or sports and needs some huge amount of calories to continue making progress. Most of the guys here are not training that hard…so they will just get fat and blame the weight gainer. It’s just food…and whether you can handle that many carbs or not is an individual thing.
I am 6’ 1", 200 lbs, still pretty lanky and still looking to put on some mass. I lift 5 days a week, fst-7. I know how important the post workout window is, and just trying to get an idea of what would be better, weight gain shake or post workout specific drink. Thanks for the input.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
Asking what you should randomly do with no personal info will just attract the people who are already followers of whatever they happen to be doing right now. No, there is nothing specifically wrong with drinking a weight gain shake after training. That decision would be based on things like your current physical state, your genetics, your goals, how much food it takes for you to gain and past experience.
Weight gainers used to FILL bodybuilding magazines. Now, it is more en vogue to simply call them all crap. They are not all crap…but I doubt most of the people worried about them need them.
You know who would probably NEED a weight gainer? The super lean guy with a lightening fast metabolism who is training all day for weight lifting or sports and needs some huge amount of calories to continue making progress. Most of the guys here are not training that hard…so they will just get fat and blame the weight gainer. It’s just food…and whether you can handle that many carbs or not is an individual thing.[/quote]
[quote]cameron55 wrote:
I am 6’ 1", 200 lbs, still pretty lanky and still looking to put on some mass.[/quote]
What, exactly, did you eat yesterday?
What are your current bests on the squat, deadlift, flat bench, overhead press, pulldown/pull-up, and row?
In the last 8 weeks, exactly how much has your bodyweight and strength on these lifts improved?
Depending on how you’re eating during the day, I think you’d do best if you ignored the “weight gainer” or “post-workout shake” designation, and focused on having a shake that delivers a good amount of calories from carbs and protein with little fat. Start drinking it a little before lifting and nurse it through the session so you finish up right about the time you’re done training.
A typical day looks like this
Breakfast 3 eggs, cheese, cooked in coconut oil
Snack, protein shake with raw milk
Lunch chicken and rice bowl
snack protein shake with raw milk
Dinner protein, pasta…thats a rough outline of a typical day
Last 8 weeks, i would say 15 lbs on bench and overhead press, squats 20 lbs, pullups maybe 2 with bodyweight. I am 26 yrs old.
I take a pre workout, during the workout i drink a bcaa supplement with glutamine. Mainly I am looking at refueling glycogen stores and getting protein immediately post workout, then eat dinner about an hour after that.
[quote]cameron55 wrote:
A typical day looks like this
Breakfast 3 eggs, cheese, cooked in coconut oil
Snack, protein shake with raw milk
Lunch chicken and rice bowl
snack protein shake with raw milk
Dinner protein, pasta…thats a rough outline of a typical day
You missed the part where they both said ‘exactly’ what you ate.
As for your response, total up the macros and calories so it is useful data. No one on this site is getting paid to offer you advice so put a little effort into it and you will get more useful responses.
[quote]cameron55 wrote:
A typical day looks like this
Breakfast 3 eggs, cheese, cooked in coconut oil
Snack, protein shake with raw milk
Lunch chicken and rice bowl
snack protein shake with raw milk
Dinner protein, pasta…thats a rough outline of a typical day
You missed the part where they both said ‘exactly’ what you ate.
As for your response, total up the macros and calories so it is useful data. No one on this site is getting paid to offer you advice so put a little effort into it and you will get more useful responses. [/quote]
Very much this.
The more detail you provide, the better advice you can get.
How much did your bodyweight increase in these same 8 weeks?
A “pre workout” what? An energy drink like Monster? A shake with protein and carbs? A pre-workout supp like Jack3d?
BCAAs and glutamine have essentially zero calories, so they’re not the best idea for your current plan (also, glutamine’s general effectiveness is debatable). Also, rather just thinking about “refueling glycogen stores”, which shouldn’t be an issue if you’re eating plenty during the day anyhow, focus on providing quality workout nutrition before, during, and after your training.
Again, I don’t know your daily nutrition, but I don’t see a reason for you to not be drinking 400-ish calories of protein and carbs during your training.
I almost didn’t post my above message because I just checked the OP’s post history, but I decided to because I’m a sucker.
October 2010:
“Im about 6’1 170 and 24 years old. I used to weigh 135 in high school. I have a naturally lanky build. Over the past year I have been working out and reading up extensively on nutrition and what it takes to gain weight.”
December 2010:
" Ive been working out for more than a year now, 6 days a weeks, I eat around 4000-5000 calories a day, which I hope is enough, im up to 180 lbs, 6 ft tall."
May 2011:
“I got some questions on a oral only first cycle. Yes I know injectables are the BEST option, but for one thing I HATE needles and wanted to try an oral only cycle first to see if I can get the gains I am looking for. Couple things, I am 6’1 210 lbs, 25 years old and have been lifting for 5 years now”
March 2012:
“I am 26, 6’1” 195 lbs, bf 15% ish. I have been training for 5 years and my diet and training (fst-7) are in check. I have decided to run my first cycle of injectables"
OP, you’re wasting my/our time and that pisses me off. Have a good one.
[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
at least he gained 40#s in 1.5 yrs, granted he lost some (not sure what the body comp changes were), but I get what you’re saying[/quote]
Start to finish, he’s been through two steroid cycles that took him from 170 to a not very lean 195 in a year and a half to just 200 pounds four months later, and he still ended up with zero understanding about how to simply eat.
Not to mention that the guy goes from “working out for more than a year” to “lifting for 5 years” in the course of five months.
[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
at least he gained 40#s in 1.5 yrs, granted he lost some (not sure what the body comp changes were), but I get what you’re saying[/quote]
Start to finish, he’s been through two steroid cycles that took him from 170 to a not very lean 195 in a year and a half to just 200 pounds four months later, and he still ended up with zero understanding about how to simply eat.
Not to mention that the guy goes from “working out for more than a year” to “lifting for 5 years” in the course of five months.[/quote]
Oh, I was thinking he gained the weight on his own and was recently venturing into that realm, I see… makes sense considering how he posted what he was eating (not much detail)
[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
at least he gained 40#s in 1.5 yrs, granted he lost some (not sure what the body comp changes were), but I get what you’re saying[/quote]
Start to finish, he’s been through two steroid cycles that took him from 170 to a not very lean 195 in a year and a half to just 200 pounds four months later, and he still ended up with zero understanding about how to simply eat.
Not to mention that the guy goes from “working out for more than a year” to “lifting for 5 years” in the course of five months.[/quote]
You missed it. People here count the “gains” made from puberty forward along with everything else.
“I gained 50lbs of muscle” can also mean “I last weighed myself in the 5th grade”.
[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
Start to finish, he’s been through two steroid cycles that took him from 170 to a not very lean 195 in a year and a half to just 200 pounds four months later, and he still ended up with zero understanding about how to simply eat.
Not to mention that the guy goes from “working out for more than a year” to “lifting for 5 years” in the course of five months.[/quote]
You missed it. People here count the “gains” made from puberty forward along with everything else.
“I gained 50lbs of muscle” can also mean “I last weighed myself in the 5th grade”.[/quote]
Bah, I do always forget that gains are cumulative. Now I feel better about having increased my calf size 200%… since junior high.
In any case, guys, the OP is all set. He doesn’t need to know more about weight gainers, post-workout shakes, or food. He’s running a new cycle. That’ll fix it. From earlier today:
[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
In any case, guys, the OP is all set. He doesn’t need to know more about weight gainers, post-workout shakes, or food. He’s running a new cycle. That’ll fix it. From earlier today: Furture Second Cycle - Pharma - Forums - T Nation [/quote]
So whats the consensus? Troll, or is this OP really stupid enough to eat what he put down above while doing a cycle? Can’t be that stupid…