Hey, guys! We’re back again this week, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, and I thought I’d drop in on the forum and get some feed back. Is there anything you’d like to see addressed that we havn’t covered so far? You can also write me a love note and tell me how great the T. Vixens are. Ha!
Uhhh, Katie, there’s already a thread devoted to this topic.
Katie, don’t pay any attention to Demo. He got dropped on his head as a child and still hasn’t recovered.
I, however, have my full faculties intact and love you dearly. Always have. (Just ask Michelle if you don’t believe me.) And I’m inviting you out to Japan, land of the rising sushi bar, for a fun-and-frolic-filled vacation whenever you like. You just let me know when, T-babe…
No offense, but who gives a fuck what some bitch has to say about men. As if that is going to somehow change anything in me. I am not going to change my haircut or whatever just because she likes it.
I see we have a rennaissance man posting. Bubba, here’s a lesson in manners: women don’t like to be called bitches, and their boyfriends REALLY don’t like it when ignorant maladjusted fucks open their shitholes and spew forth intellectual sewage. Go back to your stroke mags and calloused hands, and come back when you’ve learned some manners numbnuts.
"Bubba Smith, proving that not every ejaculation deserves a name, since 1302."
Bubba, would you happen to be single?
Char - I did pass on your love notes to Katie! grin
While Bubba may not be the most eloquent of guys, he has a point. What kind of man adjusts his behavior based on what a group of I’m sure very lovely, very educated women say in an ezine? If you’re a man, you’ve come to terms with who you are and you don’t adjust based on the writings of some women. How do you even know if they are ragging when they contribute for god’s sake? If they are, you have to do the OPPOSITE of what they write the other 3 weeks a month.
Demo, I just want to say that your last quote was one of the greatest lines I have read in some time.
You’re a funny guy. Great tag…To michelle: Most of the questions in the GOB are things that I have answered for myself years ago, or apply to young and/or insecure men. How about addressing a vital issue for us older guys: Do most women mind if their guy has a back injury and is limited to girl on top? It does leave our hands free, you know.
Do u do anyting besides talk about givin head miss Katie?
The point Buba makes is absolutly right. A man should never change his life for a woman, he should instead find a woman who fits his lifestyle. As for Demo Dick, he should stop being blinded by semantics. His trite remarks add nothing of value to the thread and if he had any reading comprehension he would know that his advice falls under Buba’s,“who gives a fuck what some bitch(Demo) has to say” motto. I don’t care what language a person uses aslong as they are able to produce a valid and consistant point with respect to the thread he/she is posting in, Buba clearly did this. Conversly, If you can’t add a point consistant or valid with the thread, like Demo, shut your dumbass pie-hole or start a new thread.
I think the t-vixens column is a waste of internet space and should be saved for a magazine like men’s health or some other useless magazine.
If you guys don’t like the column, don’t click on it. The editors have said before that the Vixen column is just an extra they throw in every once in a while (like what, 3-4 times a year at most?) and that it never replaces a training article or anything. You don’t like it, don’t read it. I rather enjoy it.
“A man should never change his life for a woman, he should instead find a woman who fits his lifestyle.”
With an attitude like this you’re going to end up a lonely, pathetic old turd. You mate is not an afterthought, she is a HUMAN BEING.
“His trite remarks add nothing of value to the thread and if he had any reading comprehension he would know that his advice falls under Buba's, ’who gives a fuck what some bitch(Demo) has to say’ motto.”
My reading comprehension is fine. Your writing ability, however, licks a Cleveland Steamer. And my tolerance for ignorance and assholes is about as short as you’ll find.
“I don't care what language a person uses aslong as they are able to produce a valid and consistant point with respect to the thread he/she is posting in, Buba clearly did this.”
You’d care if Bubba was referring to your woman as a bitch. Or would you? Maybe you'd just sit back and let someone disrespect which you cherish. I ain't made of that material.
“Conversly, If you can't add a point consistant or valid with the thread, like Demo, shut your dumbass pie-hole or start a new thread.”
Okay dipshit, read into the fucking thread in front of you. Michelle is my girlfriend. Bubba called her a bitch. What exactly is your fucking problem?
I have never met so many tough guys in one place as I have on the Internet. And to date, no one has ever called me a bitch to my face. Coincidence?
Ah well, she obviously doesn’t understand how other-worldly handsome and intelligent and charming and all those other things I am. A pity…
As for everyone who’s worried about changing their behavior to conform with what a bunch of women who’ll they’ll probably never meet have to say, I think you’re missing the point entirely. This isn’t a “do it my way or you’ll never get laid” type of column. It’s just presenting the other P.O.V. And let’s face it, another POV is almost always worthwhile (to someone, if not you in particular). Don’t like it? Don’t read it. Pretty simple.
Some guys, like, perhaps Bubba and a couple of others on this thread, don’t like the magazine they use to prime their pump with “polluted” with heterosexual content.
My problem is that you continue to pile up evidence infering you have no clue what the hell your talking about. ““A man should never change his life for a woman, he should instead find a woman who fits his lifestyle.”
With an attitude like this you’re going to end up a lonely, pathetic old turd. You mate is not an afterthought, she is a HUMAN BEING.” Once against your statement falls under, “WTF are you talking about??” If some female told me that she didn’t like that I lift weights, why should I stop? With billions of other females on the planet, why shouldn’t I just find a woman who likes what I like, so we can both be happy. Secondly, Bubba never called Michelle a bitch. That is conjecture on your part. The intent of the author is the thesis and if you can’t tell what Bubba’s thesis was ask anyone with a 6th grade education to point it out to you. If Bubba’s intent was to call Michelle or anyone else a bitch I am sure he would have no trouble saying so explictly, so end your tangent.
Well Demo, I’m glad you admit that you are not entirely objective when responding to Bubba. It’s funny that you could be riled by a faceless poster who used some childish language when stating that he(Bubba) would not change simply because a woman thought he should. IMO Bubba has a valid point; however, due to the fact that he was not very eloquent in stating his idea the message has gotten lost. This is why you won’t hear politicians fill their statements with profanities. The average person will not be able to pick the message out of a profanity filled tirade and prafanity often makes the speaker look uneducated. Demo seems to have overlooked the point hidden in Bubba’s rough language and has interpreted it as a personal attack on his girlfriend Michelle. I have to throw in with bubba and neal on this one. Altering one’s lifestyle due to suggestions from a wife or girlfriend is different that taking the advice of some anonymous female giving advice on the web. Demo, in your case the person giving advice in “Gang” and your girlfriend are one in the same. To the rest of us Michelle is just another woman we will never meet; therefore, her advice is weighted much less than someone we know and trust.
“If some female told me that she didn't like that I lift weights, why should I stop? With billions of other females on the planet, why shouldn't I just find a woman who likes what I like, so we can both be happy.”
That ain’t what you said, Slappy. You wrote, and I quote:
“A man should never change his life for a woman, he should instead find a woman who fits his lifestyle.”
Read it again. A man should never change his life for a woman, he should instead find a woman who fits his lifestyle. In other words, change is out of the question for the male, but perfectly acceptable for the woman (and yeah, I INFERRED it). That’s a far cry from “finding a woman that likes what you like”. See what I mean about writing style? You were unclear in your intention, and I doubt I’m the only one who read it the way I did.
“Secondly, Bubba never called Michelle a bitch. That is conjecture on your part.”
And you question MY reading comprehension? Here is what Bubba wrote:
“No offense, but who gives a fuck what some bitch has to say about men…I am not going to change my haircut or whatever just because she likes it.”
Since Michelle contributes to and edits the column, there is a very good chance that Bubba WAS talking about her. If not, then he was referring to one of the other women who contribute to it, and I’ll stand up for them too. In any event, he was out of line. Who he was referring to is irrelevant.
Neal, assuming an air of superiority is never a good idea, especially when you lack a working knowledge of the topic at hand, or the ability to communicate effectivley.
Have a nice fucking day, tough guy.