

Anyone who has the balls to post a pic on this site I have great respect for. However, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pretty pic posted.

Is it possible to send in hot chick pics like any girlfriends, hot wives or ex’s. I could be wrong, but I think that would liven things up a little.

I’d especially like to see pics from T-Vixen who are available and like manly men with hairy backs.

Here’s a couple of gals that I think like “manly men with hairy backs”…

… and another


Patricia is pretty hot!!!

Ever seen one of Cass’s pic’s, the girl is fine!!

I thought he was looking to see hot women who liked manly men with hairy backs. Not manly women with hariy backs!


Jeff I know what you mean - how long has it been since us men have had a good hot chicks battle thread… Years?

i just lost my p+f.


You got it right. So why do you be the first to post?

As soon as I have time to take some physique pics I would be happy to do so. Other than that all I have are head shots. Sorry.


Oh yeah, I’d hit it.


“us guys???”


I’m lost

I’m lost too… is this what you think T-Vixens should look like?

You must be fucking kidding me. Those “women” are fucking scary looking!
Can we please get some real T-Vixen pics up to bring me out of my fright coma?


Just. Plain. Horrible.

More please.

I hate to say it, because I know that I’ll offend someone out there… but THANK GOD!! I was starting to freak out!! I was thinking that if that’s a T-Vixen then I just don’t make the grade and never will! Don’t wanna get that big!

Those are nasty!

Where’s that back shot of Iron Maiden. Alicia is pretty hot!
