t-dawg 2.0 question: fat consumption

Hey all, long-time listener, first-time caller. I’ve got a question about t-dawg 2.0. Basically, how much (good) fat should I be looking to get?

Before you try to answer that, let me through you some numbers. I’m 5’11, 260 lbs, probably about 25% bodyfat. The actual caloric recommendations in the t-dawg 2.0 article (15 times bodyweight) seemed pretty high, so I’m going with 3100 or so per day (slightly less on non-workout days), which is about what Berardi’s don’t diet plan would have me at.

I’m aiming for about 70 grams of carbs on non-workout days, and that plus a serving of Surge on workout days. I’m also going to aim for 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass (so about 300 g/day). That leaves the rest of the calories from fat, which seems a little high to me–but I’m no expert here. Am I right to be concerned, or do I just need to stop worrying and do it?

Check Reader Mail. I swear almost this exact question was asked within the last couple of weeks.

Well personally I think you should push that protein count up a bit higher, which would drop the fat count (~180) down.

Im running ~2600 calories on the same diet, and I tend to get 70 carb, 100 fat and 350 protein on my non workout days. And I find that it’s not too hard to come up with those numbers, just have to keep putting variety every day.

All right, I went back and checked reader mail for the week, and whaddaya know, somebody was asking the same question. So I guess I’ll stop worrying and just go for it.