3 years ago, I suffered an injury in my right shoulder. The pain radiated pretty much all over my shoulder blade and into my armpit area.
I’ve gone in to see a physical therapist and chiropractor and both said it was an impingement (chiropractor said specifically a subscapular impingement).
I wasn’t given much advice on what to do but now, 3 years later, I don’t have a lot of pain, just an occasion feeling of inflammation or a tight, pinching feeling in the middle of the right shoulder blade and into the right armpit/lower lat.
Pushing presses are kind of a no go still at this point. Some rows feel okay - normally during the movement it irritates my shoulder but afterwards it really helps with the inflamed feeling.
But I could use some advice from someone who has gone through something similar.
What do I need to work on most? Increasing strength? Or my mobility?
I’ve tried band pull aparts, external rotations, scapular pushups, serratus anterior activation drills… but I never know what I should stick with or what is actually working.