Um. i know this is a dumb question but what exactly is vitamin s? and how does it help you?
VItamin S: the “s” stands for “sperm” (or “semen”, depending on who you ask). In order to get really big and ripped, you have to have a fair amount of it in your diet - generally about 20 cc/day. Don’t let the idea put you off of bodybuilding; all the big guys both give and get a lot of Vitamin S. If you’re not making the progress you’d like to see, a lack of this essential nutrient is probably the reason. So the next time you’re in the gym, find the biggest guy you can in the locker room and suggest a swap. (Make it part of your post-workout shake.) He’ll probably be happy to oblige.
Monkeyboy, Avoids, Demo…did I do a good job with this fellow’s question, or would you like to add something to my answer?
Uh, did you see the reference to the magical “Vitamin S” in the Tobey/Spider-Man thread? Well, if that’s the case, then Vitamin S is a reference to hush**hush STEROIDS.
It’s a joke. The “S” is for “Steroids.”
char-dawg, you’re despicable! Outrageously desicable!
Then char, I take it that the “secret” ingredient in the “soon to be released” Grow Bars will be the potent Vitamin S?.
;-) Patricia
Don’t forget that those are the technical terms. In some circles the “S” stands for spooge. Essentially the same thing though. Kinda like how Dianabol gets shortened to D-bol.
Way to go Char-Dawg. Welcome to the Sick Bastards Club!
ImPECable as always, Char. However you failed to mention that there are several delivery system options for vitamin S. Of course you’ve always got the traditional pump ‘n swill method, though as of late researchers have experimented with a transdermal form of VS delivery known as “VD”, or Vitamin-Dermal. After several dozen trials, one supplement company has announced their forthCOMING prototype “VD69”. Reports of possible side effects include itchiness and odd discharges. Speaking of discharges, VeepeeXXX has announced a new breakthrough Vitamin S supplement known as "Equiballin’". Though details are hard (and stiff) to come by, the product is certain to include two oral syringes: one with an odd, maleable cover over the tip, and one without. With all these advanced Vitamin S products hitting the market, nobody should have a problem recieving their daily dose. Lata.
MBE: "Lord, that boy done gonna be the death 'o this forum yet. Since 1866."
That was humor. I see this thread going into the toilet, like the grow bar thread.
Avoids: You can’t fool me. You’re just jealous ‘cause I got there first.
Patricia: Actually, two separate versions of the Grow! Bar are supposed to be coming out, one with and one without Vit. S. The one with the miracle supplement will be called “GrowS! (pronounced “gross!”) Bar”.
Ko: Nah, this fuckin’ thread’s fine…
Al: Yes, I forgot to mention that. Thanks for the correction. “S” also can stand for “spew” and “shot”, depending on one’s geographic region.
MBE: Glad to have you aboard! I’ve seen the relevant research, and all of it fails to address the main problem with Vitamin S, which is that, athough women generally receive much more of it than men on a regular basis (and often through several different delivery methods), they do not experience the same spurts of growth. Interestingly, a LACK of VS for an extended period of time seems to positively correlate with certain “masculine” characteristics: irritability, increased agression, rougher speech patterns…even, in extreme cases, a developed sexual preference for other women. Science has yet to adequately explain these points, IMHO. It’s truly a conundrum.
Finally, to Simon: Don’t believe those people posting the rumor that the “s” stands for “steroids”. It doesn’t. And you should most especially NOT pay any attention to what that guy Bill Roberts has to say. He’s always posting all over this board, and doesn’t know anything.
char-dawg: “Oh God, I’m going to Hell!” - since the time he hit the return button to post this message…
LOL. make me fearful of posting anything case you decided to yield your wicked sense of humor. I'm a naive innocent girl. ;-)
Char, I am very glad you brought up that study. It was actually kept underground for a while as several sources did not want it “leaking out”. To further enlighten our readers, I would care to mention that prolonged intake and/or consumption of Vitamin S yeilded no serious side effects whatsover. The only issues that arose in some females could only be described as a “tolerance buildup” or “sensational inhibitor”, in which constant repetition of the same delivery system caused an absence of sensory reception. This is why (and a note to my constituants Dr. Char and Senor Roids, if I am incorrect please do not hessitate to rebut) I urge those individuals on a healthy VS protocol to experiment with various delivery and reception types. One medical site presents a wide variety of possibilites for your trials: Enjoy, and remember that Vitamin S has a short shelf life outside of the delivery unit.
MBE: "He's not a doctor, but he'll gladly play one so long as you wear that nurse outfit. Since 1566."
Yes it is.
Yeah, you always have to watch out around here. The morale of the story? Do your own research!
(But don’t worry. Most of us simply luuuuuurve naive innocent girls! ;-] )
char-dawg: Wantin’ to knell the belly-bells with Stella. Coming soon!