Many Supplements Are Pure Hype

I have seen at least three or four posts in recent weeks relating to questions about the latest miracle supplement. Seems like there are many looking for a short cut on the way to a muscular body. It has always been that way, and I suppose that it always will be so. Many want a short cut to success, or just some substance that will kick them up to the next level. Unfortunately, what the consumer is usually buying is pure hype!

On occasion there really is an innovative breakthrough, such as creatine was several years back (Biotest also has some amazing products). However, in most cases the latest “miracle supplement” is usually just another way for unscrupulous supplement companies to remove your money from your wallet legally, and give you nothing of substance in return.

Many of you may not be old enough to remember yestardays “miracle supplements.” Unfortunately, I remember many of them. Heck, I can even remember when Bodybuilders had slim waistes, abs and could actually perform athletic feats, but that’s another post. Allow me a quick stroll down super supplement memory lane.

Any of you heard about the latest supplements that were “guaranteed” to slap pounds of muslce on your body? Yohimbe, Inosine, Boron, Chromium, Vanadyl Sulfate. More recently HMB and Glutamine have taken center stage. The heck with naming them one at a time. How about one product that has it all? Hot Stuff anyone? It had “over 29 other ingredients, including Codonopsis Lanceolata.” I wonder why they didn’t just say it had 30 or 31 other ingredients? I guess saying that it had “over 29 ingredients” passed the marketing test.

How about “Ultra Pro” here was a supplement that would surely launch you to the next level. After all, it was based on “the principal of bio-symbiosis.” No huh? Well what about it’s Orthomolecular Growth Facilitatiors? Sounds like the ticket right? Well, it sounded like the ticket to all of the guys who were eager to pay up and “GET HUGE!”

Hype and lot’s of it. Don’t get me wrong certain supplements through the years have stood the test of time. There are some legitimate supplement companies. As I have already stated, Biotest has put out some tremendous quality products, as have some others.

The point of my post is this: Occasionally, there are new supplements created by quality companies that actually meet or even at times exceed the preceeding advertising which creates the market for their product. However, one thing that you might want to keep in mind, Caveat Emptor! For those who are not up on their Latin it simply means: Let The Buyer Beware! My Mother used to say it another way: “Paper refuses no ink.” In other words almost anyone can say almost anything about their product. It’s up to you to figure out if you want to believe it or not.

When you get tired of searching for that one substance that will finally catapult you to the next level you have a choice. Consume one gram of Protein for every pound of body weight. Stick to the basics: Deadlifts, Squats, Pull-ups, Presses etc. And make sure to get at least eight hours of sleep per night. It’s not glamorous and it’s certainly not fast, but it does work. And that’s not hype!


Man have you got that right.

There are no shortcuts in this game.

Biotest puts out some quality supps, but no supplement is a substitute for smart and hard work in the gym over time.

I’ll quote from todays article:

A significant portion of the first day’s presentation revolved around supplementation, and it was fascinating to hear someone from the “inside” offer his opinion on a laundry list of popular powders, pills and prohormones. In all honesty, this discussion alone paid for the cost of my admission to the seminar as I’ve since scratched a couple of “essential” supplements off my list completely. Here’s a list of JB?s favorite supplements:

Biotest Surge (1 serving during and 1 serving after exercise)

Low-Carb Grow! (amount depends on energy intake and schedule)

ZMA (3 caps before bed)

Vitamin C (1000mg/ day)

Fish Oils (30-60% EPA/DHA)

Creatine (5g after training)

Flaxseed Oil (amount depends on energy intake)

No magic pills, just cover the basics and f’ckin lift.

How about some thoughts on multi-vitamins? Good, bad, otherwise. What do you take? How much, how often?

With the array of crappy multi’s, it would be interesting to get some ideas as to what works.

[quote]flabtoslab wrote:
How about some thoughts on multi-vitamins? Good, bad, otherwise. What do you take? How much, how often?

With the array of crappy multi’s, it would be interesting to get some ideas as to what works.

Store brand or generic multi’s don’t cut it. Not if you want to lift big weight. I don’t like to plug other company’s supps, but Biotest doesn’t make a multi. Animal Pak rules!

Anyone remember the Cybergenics Kit? Man, I fell for that one. What a dumbass.

I was mainly referring to supplements strictly promoted to further muscle growth. It’s always smart to take a good multiple vitamin and other anti-oxidants daily. I take either Twin Lab or Life Extension.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Anyone remember the Cybergenics Kit? Man, I fell for that one. What a dumbass.[/quote]

I also fell to that crap along with Hot-stuff, colostrum, weight-gain powders. I personally, would love to be able to punch everybody that made all this junk, right in the mouth!!

Zeb and I have probably been a part of this site as long as anybody (and have all the wounds of the “haters” to prove it! And before some hack looks at the number of my post and says “yeah, right…” almost 3 years of post were lost in cyberspace somewhere…)

Anyway…I say this merely to point out that I know what I’m talking about when I say that two important “Testosterone Credo’s” (among others) have CONSISTENTLY been:

1)Many people’s primary motivation to lift is to “Look Good Nekkid…” AND


The Gang has never EVER pushed supplements OVER diet…but have merely stated that they have supplements that can help us reach far beyond our original goals…ONCE DIET IS IN PLACE…

It’s this type of basic and straightforward thinking that has made me support these guys through thick and thin…good and bad…



I’ve been around this site so long plant sterols, the frank zane immersion/isolation tank and Hoffman super protein were the big talk !

The worst part to all of this is that companies are still making junk. And then have the balls to market the crap to people who don’t know better. Quantity over quality applies here, but people pay for quality.

Do the research and sell me something good. If it’s worth the money and works, people will pay.

Zeb, you’re right.
Perhaps the short cut approach appeals mainly to the younger types or the ones that haven’t already been suckered in 3 or 4 (11 or 22) times.

[quote]Mufasa wrote:
Zeb and I have probably been a part of this site as long as anybody (and have all the wounds of the “haters” to prove it! And before some hack looks at the number of my post and says “yeah, right…” almost 3 years of post were lost in cyberspace somewhere…)

Anyway…I say this merely to point out that I know what I’m talking about when I say that two important “Testosterone Credo’s” (among others) have CONSISTENTLY been:

1)Many people’s primary motivation to lift is to “Look Good Nekkid…” AND


The Gang has never EVER pushed supplements OVER diet…but have merely stated that they have supplements that can help us reach far beyond our original goals…ONCE DIET IS IN PLACE…

It’s this type of basic and straightforward thinking that has made me support these guys through thick and thin…good and bad…

Mufasa [/quote]


Well said!

I have repeatedly stated that those, like us, who did not grow up in the computer age, and had to sort of feel our way around in the dark have a deeper appreciation for this site. So much so that on occasion I have been known to be outspoken regarding various training methodologies. And oh yes…the haters come out of the woodwork, and I say let em come! If you really support this site, you will give it the best you have as it has given so much back to you in quality information.

TC and the others who run this site have many times emphasized proper diet and training over supplements. That is a testimony to their high integrity, and one reason why I am still here. And also the main reason that I purchase Biotest products!

There are plenty of muscle building sites on the net, there is only one T-Nation!

This is an excellent thread. I am constantly embarrassed by having to explain to younger lifters who buy bodybuilding magazines that this supplement and that supplement is bullshit. Those douchebags (the marketers of worthless supplements)should be shamed and exposed every chance we get. I personally wasted too much money on this crap. Maybe we can prevent other younger types from doing the same.

Long live Desicated Liver and Gainers 5000!

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Anyone remember the Cybergenics Kit? Man, I fell for that one. What a dumbass.[/quote]

I too was a cybergenics trainee for a while. At least you have to give them credit for an intense workout.

But how about this crap? It is “extremely difficult to obtain [with only] a limited supply available, sold only on a first come first serve basis…” Yeah, since at least, oh, 1994! But hey, it does come with a 30-day money back guarantee if you fail to develop that “cartoon-like” physique you have been working so hard for!

Hot Stuff!
Gainers Fuel 100,000,000,000 (2 servings per 20-lb. container)!

Ahhhh the memories (and the flatulence)!

Thanks for taking me back, guys!

[quote]ZEB wrote:
I was mainly referring to supplements strictly promoted to further muscle growth. It’s always smart to take a good multiple vitamin and other anti-oxidants daily. I take either Twin Lab or Life Extension.[/quote]

Shit man, I fell for Andro-dione! DIONE!
I thought the zits meant it was working!!

Are you saying smilax doesn’t work ?

[quote]ChemicalD wrote:
Shit man, I fell for Andro-dione! DIONE!
I thought the zits meant it was working!![/quote]

Yeah, the acne and the absolutely HOT pair of tits. I’m sure I still have a couple of bottles of gyno-tech lying around here somewhere…